CY8CKIT-025 PSoC® Precision Analog Temperature Sensor Expansion Board Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-65791 Rev. *J
Example Projects
Sequenced ADC
This project demonstrates PSoC's ability to sense multiple inputs such as temperature sensor
inputs, power rails, and generic analog inputs at a specific sample rate where the 50- or 60-Hz noise
is eliminated.
Project Description
This project uses the RTD, IC temperature sensor, and diode temperature sensor from the
CY8CKIT-025 DVK. This example also measures a 20 mV full scale input, 100 mV full scale input,
3.3 V rail, and 5 V rail. The 20 mV and 100 mV measurements require external stimulus. You can
uses a low noise voltage source or analog output sensors such as a pressure sensor or a load cell to
provide 0–20 mV and 0–100 mV inputs. The 5 V and 3.3 V signals can be derived from CY8CKIT-
030 or CY8CKIT-001.
The project user interface is controlled by the CapSense buttons and character LCD. When the
example project is programmed on CY8CKIT-030, the LCD displays the measurement from the
RTD. Pressing CapSense button P5_5 successively displays measurements from the subsequent
temperature sensors and voltage inputs. These measurements are in the following order: diode tem-
perature, IC temperature, 3.3 V rail, 5 V rail, 20 mV full scale input, and 100 mV full scale input.
P5_6 can be used to cycle through the measurements in reverse order.
In the previous example, readings are only taken when the LCD displays that particular measure-
ment. However, in this project, ADC readings are taken continuously at repeated intervals. This
allows filtering of ADC readings to remove specific frequencies of interest, such as 50- or 60-Hz
hum. Furthermore, this project configures the delta-sigma ADC for 16-bit resolution instead of the
maximum 20-bit resolution. This allows faster ADC conversion times and measurement update
Project Operation
Hardware Connections
The kit includes example projects for the CY8CKIT-001 DVK, CY8CKIT-030 DVK, and CY8CKIT-050
DVK hardware platforms. The pin mapping for CY8CKIT-030 and CY8CKIT-050 are identical; follow
the instructions provided for CY8CKIT-030 PSoC 3 DVK for CY8CKIT-050 PSoC 5LP DVK as well.
The main difference between the examples for the CY8CKIT-001 and CY8CKIT-030 platforms is the
PSoC pin mapping. The project provided for the CY8CKIT-001 PSoC DVK can be used with both
PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP. See
Migrating Projects to use with CY8CKIT-050 and CY8CKIT-010 on
for more details.