CY8CKIT-025 PSoC® Precision Analog Temperature Sensor Expansion Board Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-65791 Rev. *J
Kit Operation
that the series resistance error can be avoided. See the
for details. This
wire also shorts the base and collector of transistor 2.
If you are installing only transistor 1, make sure you also have a wire between J4, 7–8 so that the
base and collector of transistor 1 are shorted. Alternatively, you can short the base and collector
directly on the transistor, as shown in
J4 (4–8) is used to connect transistor 2. Connect the collector, base, and emitter to screws J4 5, 6,
and 7, respectively. Use a small wire to short J4, 7–8. This is to support four-wire measurement so
that the series resistance error can be avoided. See the
for details. This
wire also shorts the base and collector of transistor 1.
If you are installing only transistor 2, make sure you also have a wire between J4, 3–4 so that the
base and collector of transistor 2 are shorted. Alternatively, you can short the base and collector
directly on the transistor, as shown in
The 2N3904 transistor is shipped with the kit. See the datasheet in the following location for details:
<Install_Directory>\PSoC Precision Analog EBK\<version>\Documentation\DataSheet
Figure 3-8. Diode
Prototype Boards
The kit includes two CY8CKIT-012 prototype boards. The prototype boards plugs into any port of
DVKs, CY8CKIT-001, CY8CKIT-030, and CY8CKIT-050 and they can be used for prototyping your
custom circuit built around PSoC.