CY8CKIT-025 PSoC® Precision Analog Temperature Sensor Expansion Board Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-65791 Rev. *J
Example Projects
4. Ensure that the LCD included with the PSoC DVK is attached and the LCD power jumper (J12) is
in the ON position.
5. In the CY8CKIT-025 EBK, choose appropriate jumper settings for internal sensors; see the
Run Tempsense Example Firmware
The steps to run the example firmware on CY8CKIT-030 are:
1. Attach a USB cable from the PC to the PSoC 3 DVK program/debug USB port (use J1, the USB
connector closest to the corner of the board).
2. Open the Tempsense_030_050 project using PSoC Creator and select
Debug > Program
to pro-
gram the PSoC.
3. Detach the USB cable and connect hardware according to
Hardware Connections on page 33
4. Attach the USB cable again from the PC to the PSoC 3 DVK program/debug USB port (use J1).
5. Press the
Reset (SW1)
button on the PSoC 3 DVK to run the newly programmed firmware
6. On reset, the LCD displays a welcome message and the temperature reading from the thermo-
couple, which is the first item in the user selectable menu. SW2 can be used to toggle the cold
junction compensation sensor between the IC (DS600) and thermistor.
7. Press CapSense button
to scroll down the menu and
to scroll up the menu.
8. Use SW2 to proceed through the calibration steps; see
9. Use SW3 to return to the previous step during calibration.
The steps to run the example firmware on CY8CKIT-001 are:
1. Apply 12 VDC power to the PSoC DVK.
2. Attach the MiniProg3 device, first to a USB port on the PC and then to the PROG port on the
CY8CKIT-009 PSoC 3/CY8CKIT-010 PSoC 5LP processor module.
3. Open the Tempsense_001 project using PSoC Creator and select
Debug > Program
to program
the PSoC.
4. Disconnect power to the PSoC DVK and connect hardware according to
5. Power the PSoC DVK.
6. On reset, the LCD displays a welcome message and the temperature reading from the thermo-
couple, which is the first item in the user selectable menu. SW1 can be used to toggle the cold
junction compensation sensor between the IC (DS600) and thermistor