CY8CKIT-025 PSoC® Precision Analog Temperature Sensor Expansion Board Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-65791 Rev. *J
Example Projects
As stated earlier, the IDAC is used to force current through the RTD, diode, and calibration resistor.
lists the IDAC range and values used for each sensor. The IDAC configurations are
switched in the ADC ISR.
Firmware Description and Flowcharts
ADC ISR Flowchart
The ADC ISR automatically prepares the signal chain for the next ADC reading. The ISR also filters
the current ADC reading and stores the filtered result in a ping pong buffer to be read later.
shows the ADC ISR flowchart. The ISR code is found in ADC_INT.c. This interrupt is
triggered at the end of every ADC conversion.
Table 5-13. IDAC Range and Values
ADC Reading
IDAC Range
IDAC Value
2 mA
1.024 mA
2 mA
1.024 mA
Reference Resistor
2 mA
1.024 mA
Reference Resistor CDS
2 mA
0 mA
Voltage Across Diode Current 1 255 µA
10 µA
Voltage Across Diode Current 2 255 µA
100 µA
Reference Resistor Current 1
255 µA
10 µA
Reference Resistor Current 2
255 µA
100 µA
Reference Resistor CDS
255 µA
0 µA