CY8CKIT-025 PSoC® Precision Analog Temperature Sensor Expansion Board Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-65791 Rev. *J
Example Projects
Project Schematic
shows the PSoC Creator schematic of the project.
Figure 5-36. PSoC Creator Schematic
A four-channel ADC is used to measure the voltages across the RTD, diode, RTD/diode current cal-
ibration resistor, and potentiometer, which simulates an analog temperature sensor. IDAC is used to
provide the excitation currents for the diode, RTD, and calibration resistor. The closed loop fan con-
troller component senses and controls the fan speed.
Application notes
provide detailed explanations on temperature measure-
ment using diode and RTD, respectively. Application note
describes the fan controller
operation in detail.
Component Configuration
show the FanController component configuration.