CY8CKIT-025 PSoC® Precision Analog Temperature Sensor Expansion Board Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-65791 Rev. *J
Example Projects
3.3 V Rail
The 3.3 V rail is typically within ± 20 mV. The ADC gain error is the main source of error.
5 V Rail
The 5 V rail is typically within ± 20 mV. The ADC gain error is the main source of error.
Project Details
The Tempsense project demonstrates a sensing implementation style where the sensor is only
sensed when its value is required. The ADC is controlled by firmware and the sensor is only sampled
when its value is displayed on the LCD. In many applications, sensors must be read all the time and
at precise intervals. The Sequenced ADC project implements ADC scanning in hardware and sam-
ples sensors at precise intervals. This ensures that sensor reading is always available for the appli-
Another reason for taking ADC readings continuously is the ability to filter certain frequencies such
as 50 Hz or 60 Hz hum on each reading. If the ADC readings are taken at consistent intervals, then
specific filters can be applied for each reading.
This project reads seven different inputs: a 20 mV full scale voltage, a 100 mV full scale voltage, an
RTD temperature sensor, a diode temperature sensor, a DS600 IC temperature sensor, a 3.3 V volt-
age rail, and a 5 V rail.
Some measurements such as RTD, diode, and IC temperature sensor require multiple readings to
generate the final result. For the RTD example, four ADC readings are required for each tempera-
ture: RTD, RTD CDS, reference resistor, and reference resistor CDS. Due to this, a total of 15 ADC
readings are required to generate the seven measurement values.
shows the ADC read-
ings that make up each measurement.
Table 5-11. ADC Reading
ADC Reading
20 mV Input
20 mV Input
Reference Resistor
Reference Resistor CDS
100 mV Input
100 mv Input
Voltage Across Diode Current 1
Voltage Across Diode Current 2
Reference Resistor Current1
Reference Resistor Current2
Reference Resistor CDS
DS600 IC Temp Sensor
DS600 Voltage
3.3 V Rail
3.3 V Rail
5 V Rail
5 V Rail