CY8CKIT-025 PSoC® Precision Analog Temperature Sensor Expansion Board Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-65791 Rev. *J
Example Projects
7. Set VDDD and VDDA to 5 V using J10 and J11.
8. In the CY8KIT-025 EBK, choose appropriate jumper settings for internal sensors; see the
1. Plug the PSoC Precision Analog Temperature Sensor EBK to port A of the CY8CKIT-001 DVK.
2. In the pin header/breadboard area of the CY8CKIT-001 base board, use jumper wires to make
the following connections:
a. VR to P0_7. The VR is used as the 5 V input. Ensure that the VR is turned to output 5 V. The
VR makes sure that 5 V is not accidentally driven on the pin if the system is set for 3.3 V.
b. 3.3 V to P1_2