CY8CKIT-025 PSoC® Precision Analog Temperature Sensor Expansion Board Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-65791 Rev. *J
Example Projects
temperature emulator and RTD). The potentiometer temperature emulator allows easy demonstra-
tion of fan control over a wide simulated temperature range without the need for an environmental
chamber to cycle through temperatures. In Zone 1, the temperature sensors are combined using a
weighted average where the potentiometer is given 90 percent weight and the RTD is given 10 per-
cent weight. Adjust the potentiometer (R20 on the CY8CKIT-001 DVK and R56 on the CY8CKIT-030
DVK) to vary the simulated temperature value in the approximate range of 15 °C to 100 °C. The
Zone 1 speed transfer function is table driven and follows the profile shown in
Figure 5-34. Thermal Management System Project - Zone1 Thermal Profile
Zone 2, corresponding to Fan 4 in
, consists of two temperature sensors and a single fan.
The Zone 2 speed transfer function is table driven and is shown in
. Note that the temper-
ature range is very narrow and close to room temperature. This is to allow simple testing at room by
touching a temperature sensor with a warm finger to cause a fan speed change. In Zone 2, the tem-
perature sensors are combined using a weighted average where the RTD is given 90 percent of the
weight and the diode is given 10 percent weight. In this example, the RTD temperature reading dom-
inates the overall zone temperature calculation.
Figure 5-35. Thermal Management System Project - Zone2 Thermal Profile