Lock Timeout Minutes:
Set up the time in minute that a door lock must wait before automatically
being locked again. The range is 0~255 in minute.
Lock Timeout Seconds:
Set up the time in second that a door lock must wait before automatically
being locked again. The range is 0~255 in second.
Click “SET” to apply settings. User Code Settings
This is used to supply an enabled Door Lock Device with a command class to manage user codes.
User Identifier:
This is used to recognize the user identity. Click drop-down arrow and choose the user
ID you want to configure.
User ID Status:
Shows the state of the User Identifier. Click drop-down arrow and the following status shows
Available, Occupied, Reserved by administrator and Status not available.
User Code:
Type the user code in the box. Minimum code length is 4 and maximum 10 ASCII digits.
Click “SET” to apply the settings. Wake Up Settings
This is used to allow a battery-powered device to notify another device (always listening), that it is
awake and ready to receive any queued commands and read back of the Wake up interval capabilities
in a node.