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Cisco TelePresence Management Suite Installation and Getting Started Guide
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Figure 31 The results page shows statuses
5. If Cisco TMS detected problems with a system configuration, it displays a message in the
Description column. You can then edit the system settings by clicking Edit System. The settings
page for the system describes the error. Edit the settings as necessary and click Save. If the
problem is resolved, the settings page closes and you are returned to the Add Results page with
an updated Description.
If you do not want to fix the error now, or ignore the messages, clicking Add System Despite
Warnings in the Settings or Results page adds the system regardless of the existing error
6. Click Finish Adding Systems to return to the Navigator with the new system in the folder listing.
Viewing and editing a managed system
A system can be managed from the Cisco TMS interface after it has been added. Navigate to the
system in the System Navigator by clicking on its name in the Navigator Tree or by navigating to its
folder and clicking on its name in the folder listing in the right panel. The right panel updates to show
the system information.
Figure 32 The Summary tab.
The default view is the Summary tab which provides an overview of the system and its status.
The Settings tab shows a more system configuration detail.
Figure 33 The Settings tab.
You can:
click Force Refresh at the bottom of the page to refresh settings immediately
click Edit Settings in the menu bar to edit any of the settings
click Boot to restart most systems
It is also possible to restart most systems from this screen by clicking the Boot button.