Configuration topics
Cisco TelePresence Management Suite Installation and Getting Started Guide
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Proper Zone configuration is essential in order for phone books and the scheduling to function
properly, therefore an understanding of Zones is essential and it is recommended basic zone
configuration be undertaken as part of the initial configuration.
Adding zones for initial configuration
To start a simple network plan:
1. For each system that Cisco TMS will manage initially that has ISDN directly connected to it
(including MCUs, Gateways and endpoints), create one ISDN Zone, if necessary. Go to
Administrative Tools > Locations > ISDN Zones and click New. Complete all applicable fields
and click Save.
Consider whether an existing zone has the same values. For instance, if you have an MCU,
Gateway, and endpoint all in the same building, that all use the same ISDN dialing behaviours,
they can all use the same ISDN Zone.
You can add additional zones subsequently; normally before or after adding a new system
2. For each IP Gateway (gateways that act as a pooled service can be considered as a single
gateway), create one IP Zone. Go to
Administrative Tools > Locations > IP Zones, click New and complete all the gateway
information that applies, including prefixes and DID numbers. Select the ISDN Zone that applies to
the Gateway this zone contains. Click Save
By default, when calling between two different IP Zones, ISDN is preferred, if available. Use the
lists at the bottom of the screen to set which zones you prefer to use IP when calling between.
If you have no Gateways, you still must have at least one IP Zone. A zone named ‘Default’ was
created during the installation of Cisco TMS and can be used as your sole IP Zone.
3. Select which Zones to use as the default for newly added systems added to Cisco TMS by
Automatic System Discovery. When adding a system manually, this value can be overridden. You
can also change a system zone by editing its settings. Go to Administrative Tools >
Configuration > General Settings. Select the Default ISDN and IP Zone settings and click Save.
For more assistance with Zones and advanced routing scenarios, see the
Cisco TMS Administrator