pg. 103
E532-0001 when the stapler moves due to the contact with the earth spring (Inner Finisher-C1)
E532-0001 occurred on the finishers with the serial number below and earlier when the stapler moved.
-Inner Finisher-C1: FBZ09151
-E532-0001: Staple Move Motor Timeout Error
The symptom occurred because the Earth Roller [2] located at the lower part of the stapler got caught in
either [a] or [b] of the Earth Plate [3] when the stapler [1] moved to its home position. The causes of the
stapler being caught include the following.
a) Vibration upon shipment without fixing member for the stapler such as a pre-installation.
b) Moving the stapler overriding the Earth Plate with the inner cover being removed.
Service work
Refit the Earth Plate and add 1 piece of the Washer (XD1-2100-305) according to the following steps.