pg. 98
3. Change the paper interval value of ARCDAT control to "20" from "80" in Service Mode (Level 2) >
COPIER > Option > IMG-SPD > ARC-INT1. Setting range is between "10" to "500" (Default: 80).
- Actual setting value is calculated by dividing the entry value by 0.9 and rounding up after the decimal points.
(e.g.: If an entry value is 80, setting value will be 89. And if an entry value is 20, setting value will be 23.) First,
make sure to let the customer know that the productivity will slow down slightly after making the setting. After
the customer accepts this, make the setting.
- When a setting value of ARC-INT1 is changed to "20", be sure to perform the step 4).
4. Set ARC-INT2 to "20" or below in Service Mode (Level 2) > COPIER > Option > IMG-SPD.
[Caution] Do not set ARC-INT2 to a higher value than that of ARC-INT1.
b. Steps for heavy/print output
1. Select the settings below from HPFL-DSP in Service Mode > COPIER > Option > DSPL-SW and then turn
OFF and ON the main power.
0: Displays Auto Gradation Adjustment with plain paper only (default)
1: Displays Auto Gradation Adjustment with plain paper and heavy paper
2: Displays Auto Gradation Adjustment with plain paper and 1200dpi resolution setting.
3: Displays Auto Gradation Adjustment with plain paper, heavy paper and 1200dpi resolution setting.
2. Select an appropriate paper type (plain paper, heavy paper and 1200dpi resolution setting) [B] and then
perform Full Adjust in Adjustment/Maintenance > Adjust Image Quality > Auto Adjust Gradation.
You will get the following screen if you select "3" in Step 1.
3. Select the paper type you perform the adjustment and then press "OK." After that, output and read the test
print and then perform Full Adjustment.