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Broadcast Pix
7.19 VOX Voice Automated Control
Broadcast Pix VOX allows any Broadcast Pix system to be
controlled via voice control allowing your talents’ voice to switch the
production for a completely automated production. VOX utilizes the
power of Fluent Macros to trigger virtually any component of the
system from cross point switching, clip and graphic selection, to
camera control. Once Macros are created they are assigned to the
audio inputs and are triggered once level is activated on each input.
VOX is ideal for televising Radio Stations, City Council Sessions,
Medical Training, Focus Groups, Town Hall meetings, Panel
Discussions and more.
Broadcast Pix VOX - Rear
Broadcast Pix Server or other PC
Use XLR or
” Phono jack cables
7.19.1 Installing VOX
Each VOX unit has 8 line level audio inputs using an XLR/Phono jack combo
connecter. Up to 13 units may be cascaded together for control of up to 104 audio
inputs. VOX does not do any audio mixing or routing, it is completely separate from your
main audio stream to prevent any interference. Your installation may require a
Audio Distribution Amplifier (DA) or Audio Mixer with Aux sends in order for the signals to
be connected to the VOX unit.
The VOX unit is a 1 Rack Unit (RU) box with integrated rack ears, for convenient
installation in an equipment rack. It is connected to a Broadcast Pix system through a
standard straight RS-232 serial connection using the
Bpix/Next VOX
port on the rear of
the VOX Unit.
Ensure that power is connected using the supplied power supply.
Available Comm Port, either Comm 1 or 2
If using an Edgeport for more
communication ports, ensure that the
Port Flags are set to RS-232
RS-232 DB 9-Pin Serial Cable Pinout:
Power 6-9V