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Broadcast Pix
4.13.9 Alpha Wipes
Alpha wipes are animated transitions, which give your shows a contemporary look
and feel. They are created in any graphics applications, and played out of the animation
store (as described in section 5.5.2) When designing alpha wipes, as in the example “02
Light Swipe”, at least one frame of video needs to cover up the entire video
screen. This ensures an invisible cut in the background between two sources
resulting in a clean transition. Once an animation is loaded into your show, Fluent
Macros is used to rapidly recall the animation, assign it to a keyer, bring the keyer
on air, switch the background (when the animation is full screen) and finally bring
the keyer off air. All these steps in a push of a button, giving you a professional
looking transition.
Alpha wipes are common in sports production when recalling a slo-motion
replay or in news production to grab the audience’s attention. You may also add
sound effects to your alpha wipe (as described in section 5.5.2) to give your
transition a dramatic effect.
Since Macros are file-based, the transition effect, does not need to be in your show,
simply in the clips directory. This ensures that the correct file/effect will play out
every time.
Below is a sample alpha wipe macro.