install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
4.13.4 Inserting Actions
The previous sections described how to record a macro and how to modify the recorded
actions. After a macro has been recorded, or to create a basic macro, the Insert
function is available to add one action at a time or to insert a new macro record in the
middle of an existing macro.
To insert a new action:
a step in in the Action List, with the
mouse. The row will highlight white.
Click on the
Plus button, to the right of the
Action List. A new action will be inserted above
the selected row (the last inserted command will
The Details Panel will display a list of available
command groups, as shown on the right.
Clicking on the
Command Group
drop down
menu, will list the Switcher, Content and DVEs/
Keys Edit Windows. These windows are similar to
the groups described in the previous section.
The Macro Utility allows for commands not
available on the control panel to be inserted:
A user-defined delay, set to 0 (zero) to
manually advance to the next step.
GPO trigger (Int):
Triggers the General Purpose
Output on the Granite Switcher (1-24).
Goes to another step number in the
macro, and can be set to loop. Set to 0 (zero) for
infinite loop.
Run a Macro/MEM:
Recalls a .bpm SnapShot file
or a .tln macro file from the memories folder as
one step. To insert a macro seeing all the actions,
use the Append… function in the Toolbar.