install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
4.11.1 Aux Output on Mica 2000
Mica 2000 switchers have 1 Aux output, any source mapped to the show/panel may
be routed to the PowerAux output.
To operate Aux 1:
On the control panel (or SoftPanel), press the
[Aux 1]
PixButton in the
Destinations row and it will illuminate orange, as shown below.
The display will also read out what input is currently selected (if any) and the
source row will display the currently selected source.
Select the source you wish to assign to the Aux by pressing its button in the
Sources row, and it will illuminate orange, and the video will be sent to the
selected output. In addition, the Multi-View will show the name of the source
selected if the Aux Tab and the display will read out the newly selected
4.11.2 Assigning Output Sources
In addition to routing external live sources and internal sources mapped to the
switcher, you may also assign any output source to an Auxiliary output. Output
Sources are Program, Preview and Clean Feed.
Setup your Auxes as described in sections 4.11.
When an Aux PixButton is selected in the Destinations
Row, the Device Control PixPad will show the a
selectable outputs, as shown on the right.
Select the desired [Output] PixButton, either
[Clean Feed].
: The ME1 Prog and ME1 Prev buttons are not selectable, since they dedicated for Granite
5000/6000 switchers.