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Broadcast Pix
4.2 Transitions
A transition is a change from one picture to another picture. There are three types of
Cut A cut is an instantaneous switch from one video picture to another,
and is by far the most common type of transition.
Mix A mix, also known as a cross fade or a dissolve, is a transition in
which one picture dissolves into the next.
Effect An effect is a transition that uses a pattern or special effect to
change from one picture to the next. Effects include wipes, pushes,
squeezes and other 2D DVE moves.
The Transition Control section of the panel manages all transitions. It is illustrated
below, along with the function of each area of its controls
Transition Controls:
To select which layers
are to be transitioned.
When illuminated, that
layer will go on or off air
To Set Auto Transition Style
Select Mix or Effect
To Execute a Transition
Use Cut, Auto or Fader Arm
View the Key Priority of
which key layer is
in the foreground