install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
Virtual Set Considerations:
Once the chromakey settings are adjusted, the source is ready to be used as any
other source mapped to your show. When chromakey is enabled for the source, a
colored dot will appear on each source window, however the the source window will
not show the Virtual Set composition. The composition is only visible when on
Preview, Program or PowerAux, as shown below.
Virtual Sets may be used on any bus on the switcher, allowing them to be used in a
keyer with a DVE to create a dual box or routed to PowerAux. However, they may
be used in up to 3 buses simultaneously. A Virtual Set is in use when assigned
to a Keyer, Preview, Program or PowerAux. When a 4
Virtual Set is attempted to be
selected on an output, a warning will appear in the display ‘Virtual Set Limit Reached’.
The same is true if the same source (i.e. input 1) is used on Preview, Program and
Key 1, this uses 3 of the 3 resources. It is recommended to use Memories to clear out
the Virtual Set Angle from a keyer when not in use.
When PowerAux in enabled, Key 3 becomes a Graphics Keyer where only Anim 1,
Anim 2 or Black can be routed to Key 3 and no DVE is available. Keyers 1 & 2 are full
function keyers with DVE.