Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE |
13ACTEC" 9050 System User's Manual Detector board
The detector board sits behind the rotor but is designed to be removed from
the rear of the instrumentTo remove the detector board follow the steps below
and refer to Figure 41.
Required Materials
Medium Phillips Screwdriver
Flashlight (optional)
Medium Flathead Screwdriver (optional)
the Detector Board
1 R e m o v e the rear cabinet shell as described in Section
2 R e a c h through the area in the center of the instrument (beneath the fan) to
where the detector board is mounted. (You can use the flashlight to illumi-
nate the area.)
3 D i s c o n n e c t the ribbon cable connector (left side when facing the board
from the rear) on the board by flipping the tabs outward and rocking the
connector out,
4 L o o s e n the four black knurled captive fasteners (there is one on each cor-
ner) and remove the board.You should be able to turn by the fasteners by
hand, but you can use a flathead screwdriver if you prefer.
5 R e p l a c e the board by reversing the steps above. Be sure to fit the board
over the two guide pins.
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