Troubleshooting and fault correction
Instruction handbook
b maXX
BM5500, BM5600, BM5700
Document No.: 5.13008.10
This monitoring function checks the temperature of motor. If the I
t-threshold is exceeded,
then the error message „I²t overload“ is generated by the controller.
Only for
KTY84 and PT1000
If the set temperature threshold 1 is exceeded, then the warning „Temperature threshold
1 exceeded“ is generated by the controller.
If the set temperature threshold 2 is exceeded, then the warning „Temperature threshold
2 exceeded“ is generated by the controller.
If the temperature falls below the minimum measurable value, or if a short circuit occurs
at the sensor, then the error message „Temperature sensor short circuit“ is generated.
If the temperature exceeds the maximum measurable temperature, or if the sensor is not
connected, then the error message „Temperature sensor not connected“ is generated by
the controller.
For all
If the threshold set (type-specific) in the temperature switch or in the sensor is exceeded,
then the error message „Over temperature“ is generated by the controller and the pulses
are inhibited immediately.
Position controller
This monitoring function checks the position deviation limit statical/dynamical. In case the
position deviation error is statical/dynamical greater than the set position deviation error
limit, there is an error message „position deviation error statical“ and „position deviation
error dynamical“. After monitoring time (position deviation time), additionally an error
message is generated and the pulses are inhibited immediately.
Block monitoring
This monitoring function checks the motor speed and the motor current.
If, for the period of time „block monitoring time“, the following two conditions are fulfilled,
the error/warning „drive blocked“ is generated by the controller and the pulses are inhib-
ited immediately.
Motor speed = 0
The motor current which is supplied by the device is equal to the set motor limit current
(current limit).
Signal bus
The signal bus is a connection between the supply unit and the connected axes in the DC
link network. The ready for use signal of the supply is signalized to the connected axes
via this connection. Furthermore the signal bus can be used to signalize an error or a
warning to the other connected devices.
Signal bus - Supply ready for use
The mains rectifier unit, the active mains rectifier unit and
BM5500, BM5600, BM5700
generate this signal. The connected axes evaluate this signal.
The signal indicates that the supply unit is in the
ready for use
state and the DC link is
supplied. In the event of supply errors (e.g. power supply failure), the output of the ready
fur use signal is stopped. If the signal is not available, an error is generated at the con-
nected axes units.