Operation and Maintenance Manual - GB
• Parameter S54
– characterizes TEMPERATURE D in the applications of function S14 = 25 to
(75 °C)
This is a free function for the reserve output R2 on the first position (Temperature b = second po-
sition in function S14 = 25 to 36).
• Parameter S55
– characterizes the activation or deactivation difference for TEMPERATURE D
in the applications of function S14 = 25 to 36…
This is the difference for the free function of reserve output R2 on the second position (difference
for Temperature D = difference for the second position in the function S14 = 25 to 36).
• Parameter S56
– characterizes control of functioning (speed sensing) of the exhaust blower of the
boiler (blower 2); setting may be different according to use –
must never be changed
a) S56 = 0 ..... control of the exhaust blower of the boiler turned off
a) S56 = 1 ..... control of the exhaust blower of the boiler turned on
If S56 = 1, parameters S47 and S57 are activated (visualized).
• Parameter S57
– characterizes minimum (safety) speed of the blower 2.......
(1,000 rpm)
adjustable range ..... 1,000 – 3,200 rpm
It is a function of the control of proper functioning of the exhaust blower of the boiler.
When the blower is running at the speed lower than set, “ALARM VENT 2” is declared.
• Parameter S58
– characterizes the amount of compressed air for the firstpre-cleaningoftheburner
when installing pneumatic cleaning the burner. This is the time at which the partial fillingcompres-
sor air tank for pre-cleaning of the burner ...
(6 s) - standardly do not change
• Offset TV
– This function is used to compensate the offset of the TV temperature sensor
(input) in the range of ± 9.9 °C.
• Offset TS
– This function is used to compensate the offset of the TS temperature sensor
(input) in the range of ± 9.9 °C.
• Offset TK – This function is used to compensate the offset of the TK temperature sensor (in-
put) in the range of ± 9.9 °C
• Offset TSV
– This function is used to compensate the offset of the TSV temperature sensor
(input) in the range of ± 9.9 °C
• Reset
– By means of this function you can use one command to reprogram the electronic unit
of the burner to the default settings.
• Restart
– By means of this function you can use one command to reprogram the electronic
unit of the burner to the settings last set by the installer (under the installer code).
This allows the resetting of the control unit without changing the system settings in case of any