Operation and Maintenance Manual - GB
• Parameter S2
fan speed at the
START… (1 %) - do not change
CAUTION - 0 % = 700 rpm. If S2 = 0,
the fan is off at the start.
• Parameter S3
– Fan speed during normal
RUN… (100 %)
In normal circumstances we do not recommend you to reduce the fan speed as it influences
cooling and cleaning of inner parts of the burner. Only use the air flap to set the air quantity.
• Parameter S4
– Fuel ignition control method…
a) S4 = 1 …. Photocell sensing
• Parameter S6
– characterizes the
reserve R
- additional output - function…
The first reserve R is used mainly for controlling boiler exhaust fan (S6 = 4)
– In the standard setting when
parameter S1 is set to 2,
you can connect to the
reserve terminal (L -) an appliance with the
maximum current of 2.46 A (approx. 566 VA)
In the setting when
parameter S1 is set to 4
, which means that at the start both the ignition
spirals are activated simultaneously, you can connect to the reserve terminal (L -) an applian-
ce with the
maximum current of 0.29 A (approx. 67 VA)
a) S6 = 1
…. If any fault occurs in the burner and the burner is shut down,
the reserve relay will
be closed and the reserve output will be energized.
Thanks to this you can start a spare source
of energy for heating of the building as e.g. a gas, electric or oil boiler.
b) S6 = 2
….. If any fault occurs in the burner and the burner is shut down
, the reserve relay will
be opened and the reserve output will not be energized.
Thanks to this a signal can be sent to
an electrically backed up AB01 ATMOS GSM module controller that will send information that
there is a system fault or the system is not energized.
This is the opposite logic (to S6=1), which
means that during normal operation the reserve is energized.
c) S6 = 3
…… The reserve
function as the output function for the burner fan
when the reserve
output is closed, is energized always when the burner fan is running
(fan mode only 100% or
OFF). This function is applied if you want the boiler fan or extraction fan in the chimney to run
together with the burner fan during burning out (the STOP mode). This function is designed for
direct supply of an external fan directly from the burner.
d) S6 = 4
…… The reserve function as
reversed function of the output for the burner fan,
when the reserve
output is off, is not energized always when the burner fan is running.
function is always activated if
you connect the A45 burner with the AS25 set containing the
AD02 or AD03 module, which in this case controls the extraction fan of the boiler. Install the