Operation and Maintenance Manual - GB
• Parameter S28
– deactivation difference of function S26 = 1…
(3 K)
If the temperature on the solar panel (TSV) exceeds the temperature in the lower part of the tank
by the deactivation difference, the boiler deactivation function will be switched from the middle
TK sensor to the bottom TS sensor.
If a function for solar panel pump control is activated directly from the boiler regulation (S6 = 14
or S14=4), the same logic will be used to activate the solar pump.
• Parameter S29
– is the function for delaying the automatic switching from the TK sensor back
to the TS sensor for controlling the burner based on two temperatures (sensors, S15 = 3)…
This function will cause the function for deactivating the burner to be switched from the middle
TK sensor to the bottom TS sensor after the time listed in parameter S29 passes, if the temperature
on the solar panel TSV is lower or greater only by the deactivation difference (Parameter S28) than
the temperature in the lower part of the tank where the solar exchange is located.
The set value means the number of hours, e.g.: S29 = 2 means a switch delay of 2 hours.
• Parameter S30
– is the function of the minimal operating time of the solar pump when the condi-
tions for its activation and then deactivation are met (function S15 = 3)…
(3 min )
The set value means the number of minutes, e.g.: S30 = 3 means 3 minutes
• Parameter S31
– characterizes the required temperature TS in the lower part of the accumulation
tank where the solar exchanger is located, during the function of charging the accumulation tank
by the solar collector. (function S15 = 3)…
(75 °C)
Once it is reached, the solar pump will be turned off.
• Parameter S32
– characterizes the maximum temperature TV in the accumulation tank during the
function of charging the accumulation tank by the solar collector (function S15 = 3)…
(100 °C)
The solar pump will be turned off if it is exceeded.
• Parameter S33
– characterizes the maximum temperature TSV of the solar collector, for which
the solar pump will still remain in operation (function S15 = 3) …
(115 °C)
The solar pump will be turned off if it is exceeded.
• Parameter S34
is the function of automatically starting the pellet burner (AUTOSTART) after
the wood burns out. The function is specially created for DCxxSP( EP ) burners, however it may
also be used for two separate boilers ….
(0) It is not used with the A45 burner.
a) S34 = 0
…. The automatic start function is off
b) S34 = 1
…. The automatic start function is on. The pellet burner will be turned on when the
temperature of exhausts TSV drops below the set value (S36 = 80), e.g. below 80 °C
c) S34 = 2
…. The automatic start function is on. The pellet burner will be turned on when two
conditions are met:
- the temperature of the boiler TK drops below the set value (S35 = 75), e.g. below 75 °C
- the temperature of exhausts TSV drops below the set value (S36 = 80), e.g. below 80 °C