Agilent Technologies CXA N9000A Скачать руководство пользователя страница 25



Getting Started

Installing the N9062A & W9062A SCPI Language Compatibility Application


The license is downloaded from the license website onto a USB storage device so that it can be loaded 
into the instrument.

A license key is usually for one instrument model/serial number combination. The license key can only 
be installed on that instrument.

License Installation Procedure over USB

1. Redeem the Option Upgrade Entitlement Certificate by following the instructions on the Certificate.
2. After redeeming your Option Upgrade Entitlement Certificate you will receive an e-mail with an 

attached License File.

3. Locate a USB storage device and save the .lic file to the root directory of the USB storage device.
4. Connect the USB storage device to one of the signal analyzer USB ports. Windows detects the new 

hardware and may display the configuration menu. This menu may be configured according to your 

5. The signal analyzer automatically consumes the license file. (This may take a few minutes) When the 

license is consumed the Agilent License Manager displays a “Successful License Installation” 

6. Alternatively the license file can be manually installed over USB or LAN by placing the license file 

in the following folder on the signal analyzer.
C:\Program Files\Agilent\licensing

Verify the Installation

1. Press 






 to display the list of installed applications.

2. Verify that the new application appears in the list.

If you require further assistance, please contact the Agilent support team.

Online assistance:

If you do not have access to the Internet, contact your local Agilent Technologies Sales and Service 
Office, or if in the United States, call 1-800-829-4444.

Required Information:

Front Panel Key Path:

Model #: (Ex. N9020A)


Serial Number:




Show > System

This Manual:

Содержание CXA N9000A

Страница 1: ...r the following X Series Analyzers PXA Signal Analyzer N9030A MXA Signal Analyzer N9020A EXA Signal Analyzer N9010A CXA Signal Analyzer N9000A MXE EMI Receiver N9038A ManualLib com collects and classifies the global product instrunction manuals to help users access anytime and anywhere helping users make better use of products http www manuallib com ...

Страница 2: ...his manual provides documentation for the following X Series Analyzers PXA Signal Analyzer N9030A MXA Signal Analyzer N9020A EXA Signal Analyzer N9010A CXA Signal Analyzer N9000A MXE EMI Receiver N9038A This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user guide html ...

Страница 3: ...e is delivered and licensed as Commercial computer soft ware as defined in DFAR 252 227 7014 June 1995 or as a commercial item as defined in FAR 2 101 a or as Restricted computer software as defined in FAR 52 227 19 June 1987 or any equivalent agency regulation or contract clause Use duplication or disclosure of Software is subject to Agilent Technologies standard commercial license terms and non ...

Страница 4: ...shall pay all shipping charges duties and taxes for products returned to Agilent Technologies from another country Where to Find the Latest Information Documentation is updated periodically For the latest information about this analyzer including firmware upgrades application information and product information see the following URLs http www agilent com find pxa http www agilent com find mxa http...

Страница 5: ...4 This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user guide html ...

Страница 6: ...ility Application 23 License for N9062A W9062A 23 Installation 23 Licensing 23 License Installation Procedure over USB 24 Verify the Installation 24 Running Software that Requires SCPI Commands 25 Service and Calibration 26 2 Front Panel Operations Selecting SCPI Language Compatibility Mode 28 Selecting SCPI Language Compatibility Mode as the Power on Application 29 Mode Setup 30 Selecting Compati...

Страница 7: ... 64 CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 FUNCtion FIXed STATe ON OFF 64 CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 FUNCtion FIXed RPOint MAXimum PEAK numeric_value 65 CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 FUNCtion FIXed RPOint Y numeric_value 65 CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 FUNCtion FIXed RPOint Y OFFSet numeric_value 65 CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 FUNCtion FIXed RPOint X numeric_value 66 CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 FUN...

Страница 8: ...em 79 CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 6 LOWer DATA numeric_value numeric_value 79 CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 6 LOWer STATe ON OFF 80 CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 6 LOWer OFFSet numeric_value 80 CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 6 LOWer MARGin numeric_value 81 CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 6 LOWer MODE RELative ABSolute 81 CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 6 LOWer SHIFt numeric_value 81 CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 6 LOWer SPACing LINear LOGarithmic 82 CALCu...

Страница 9: ...late 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion FPEaks SORT X Y 94 CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion SUMMary RMS STATe ON OFF 95 CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion SUMMary RMS RESult 95 CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion NOISe STATe 95 CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion NOISe RESult 96 CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion REFerence 96 CALCulate MARKer FUNCtion POWer Subsystem 96 CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion POWer SEL...

Страница 10: ...Genta 108 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 SELect 108 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 SIZE LARGe SMALl 109 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 TEXT DATA string 109 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 TEXT STATe ON OFF 109 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 TIME ON OFF 110 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 TRACe 1 to 3 Y SCALe 10dB to 200dB 110 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 TRACe 1 to 3 Y SCALe MODE ABSolute RELativ 110 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 TRACe 1 to 3 Y SCALe RLEVel 111 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 TRACe 1 to...

Страница 11: ...ry directory_name 123 MMEMory COPY file_source file_destination 123 MMEMory DATA file_name block_data 124 MMEMory DELete file_name 124 MMEMory INITialize msus 124 MMEMory LOAD STATe 1 file_name 124 MMEMory LOAD AUTO 1 file_name 125 MMEMory MDIRectory directory_name 125 MMEMory MOVE file_source file_destination 125 MMEMory MSIS device 125 MMEMory NAME file_name 125 MMEMory RDIRectory directory_name...

Страница 12: ...e POSitive SAMPle RMS AVERage QPEak 137 SENSe 1 2 DETector 1 to 3 FUNCtion AUTO ON OFF 137 SENSe FREQuency Subsystem 137 SENSe 1 2 FREQuency CENTer 0 to fmax 138 SENSe 1 2 FREQuency CENTer STEP 0 to fmax 138 SENSe 1 2 FREQuency CENTer STEP LINK SPAN RBW OFF 138 SENSe 1 2 FREQuency CENTer STEP LINK FACTor 1 to 100 PCT 139 SENSe 1 2 FREQuency SPAN 0 to fmax 139 SENSe 1 2 FREQuency SPAN FULL 139 SENS...

Страница 13: ...o 100 s 151 SENSe 1 2 SWEep EGATe SOURce EXTernal IFPower RFPower 151 SENSe 1 2 SWEep POINts 125 to 8001 151 STATus Subsystem 152 STATus OPERation EVENt 152 STATus OPERation CONDition 152 STATus OPERation ENABle 152 STATus OPERation PTRansition 153 STATus OPERation NTRansition 153 STATus PRESet 153 STATus QUEStionable EVENt 154 STATus QUEStionable CONDition 154 STATus QUEStionable ENABle 154 STATu...

Страница 14: ... TRIGger 1 2 SEQuence LEVel IFPower 30 to 10DBM 162 TRIGger 1 2 SEQuence LEVel RFPower 162 TRIGger 1 2 SEQuence LEVel VIDeo 0 to 100PCT 163 TRIGger 1 2 SEQuence HOLDoff 163 TRIGger 1 2 SEQuence SLOPe 164 4 A Brief Introduction to the SCPI Language Overview 166 SCPI Language Basics 166 Command Syntax 167 Command Statement Rules Overview 168 Creating Valid Commands 168 Special Characters in Commands...

Страница 15: ...14 Contents This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user guide html ...

Страница 16: ...tarted This chapter gives a quick overview of the N9062A W9062A SCPI Language Compatibility application on Agilent X series analyzers This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user guide html ...

Страница 17: ... as closely as possible in many automated systems with minimal or no modification to the currently used measurement software The N9062A W9062A application supports over 300 SCPI commands from the FSE FSP FSU instruments and 16 of IEEE488 2 standard SCPI commands NOTE The N9062A W9062A application supports commands from the Spectrum Analyzer default mode Commands from other options or modes are not...

Страница 18: ...s analyzers and other related documentation refer to the EXA web site at http www agilent com find exa For information on CXA series analyzers and other related documentation refer to the CXA web site at http www agilent com find cxa This SCPI Language Compatibility Guide is not designed to be a comprehensive guide to all SCPI commands It gives brief descriptions of the supported commands and high...

Страница 19: ...tion bandwidth The parameter s default value is adjusted to match that of the FSE FSP FSU unless otherwise stated Data Formats N9062A W9062A application supports data formats defined for the X Series analyzers For more information see SA Programmer s Guide Markers The N9062A W9062A application emulates the behavior of FSE FSP FSU instruments Numeric Ranges Numeric ranges are limited to that of the...

Страница 20: ...IEEE 488 2 standard and behaves like that of any IEEE488 2 compliant instrument including the FSE FSP or FSU These status conditions events or commands should emulate any compliant instrument for example operation complete OPC and OPC Status Byte bits including Error Event reporting plus CLS STB Standard Event Status Register bits plus ESE ESR PSC SRQ behavior and SRE mask most error conditions to...

Страница 21: ...1 on page 38 In some case a command is accepted without error but no action taken for example a display line Unsupported Commands and Queries If a command or query is valid for FSE FSP FSU products but not supported by the N9062A W9062A application the X Series analyzer may handle it in the following way Generate an error message This kind of SCPI commands is not covered in this manual NOTE If you...

Страница 22: ... 08 00 or later N9030A 544 44 GHz Rev A 08 00 or later N9030A 550 50 GHz Rev A 08 00 or later Table 1 2 Compatible Agilent MXA Series Signal Analyzers Analyzer Model Number Upper Frequency Limit Firmware N9020A 503 3 6 GHz Rev A 06 00 or later N9020A 508 8 4 GHz Rev A 06 00 or later N9020A 513 13 6 GHz Rev A 06 00 or later N9020A 526 26 5 GHz Rev A 06 00 or later Table 1 3 Compatible Agilent EXA S...

Страница 23: ...s or exceeds the frequency range of the FSE FSP FSU analyzer you are replacing Table 1 4 Compatible Agilent CXA Series Signal Analyzers Analyzer Model Number Upper Frequency Limit Firmware N9000A 503 3 GHz Rev A 10 01 or later N9000A 507 7 5 GHz Rev A 10 01 or later This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user guide html ...

Страница 24: ...have subsequently purchased the N9062A W9062A application then you can download the N9062A W9062A application from the Agilent website The N9062A W9062A SCPI Language Compatibility application is installed as part of a software upgrade See the link below for Signal Analyzers software upgrade site After upgrading your software you should then use your entitlement certificate to license the product ...

Страница 25: ...u may be configured according to your preferences 5 The signal analyzer automatically consumes the license file This may take a few minutes When the license is consumed the Agilent License Manager displays a Successful License Installation message 6 Alternatively the license file can be manually installed over USB or LAN by placing the license file in the following folder on the signal analyzer C ...

Страница 26: ...I commands from FSE FSP FSU instruments The SCPI commands supported by X Series analyzers are listed in Table 3 1 on page 38 If you are not familiar with the SCPI language Chapter 4 A Brief Introduction to the SCPI Language on page 165 contains some useful information This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user guide html ...

Страница 27: ...ent Software uses the SCPI command language you need to exit the N9062A W9062A SCPI Language Compatibility application and change to the Spectrum Analyzer application prior to calibration or service of your Agilent X Series analyzer This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user guide html ...

Страница 28: ...vailable front panel operations that are supported by the N9062A W9062A SCPI Language Compatibility application on the Agilent X series analyzers including CXA EXA MXA and PXA This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user guide html ...

Страница 29: ...atibility mode If there are more than six modes on the signal analyzer then use the More button to find the SCPI Language Compatibility mode selection Figure 2 1 is an example mode menu map showing the N9062A W9062A application installed Figure 2 1 Example Mode Menu Map for X Series Analyzers Alternatively you can select this mode using following SCPI commands Key Path Front panel key Remote Comma...

Страница 30: ... Language Compatibility mode as the power on application press the System hardkey on the X Series analyzer front panel and then select the Power On SCPILC If there are more than six modes on the signal analyzer then use the More button to find the SCPILC mode selection Figure 2 2 is an example showing the power on application setup Figure 2 2 Example Power On Mode Menu Map for X Series Analyzers T...

Страница 31: ... 2 3 Mode Setup Compatibility Mode Selection Menu Map NOTE When the Mode IDN Response selects Compatibility Model it does not affect the response to the command ID which always returns the model number of your X Series analyzer like N9020A The selected compatibility model determines the response to the IDN command Setting the Compatibility Model to R S FSE R S FSP or R S FSU affects the response t...

Страница 32: ...n instrument state Range FSE FSP FSU Notes If you don t install the N9062A 2FP or W9062A 2FP license SCPI Language Compatibility mode is not available Initial S W Revision A 06 00 or later Key Path Mode Setup Compatibility Model Example RLC TYPE FSE Initial S W Revision A 06 00 or later Key Path Mode Setup Compatibility Model Example RLC TYPE FSP Initial S W Revision A 06 00 or later Key Path Mode...

Страница 33: ...rz FSP 26 123456 789 04 00 System IDN Response Sets the response to the command IDN to the model number and firmware version number of your X Series analyzer like Agilent Technologies N9020A US04000119 A 06 00_R0008 User Sets the response to the command IDN to the name that you want To press User enter a name for your case and press Done you will get the name when you read from the command IDN lik...

Страница 34: ...te Command SENSe RLC IDN TYPE SYSTem COMPatibility USER SENSe RLC IDN TYPE Example SENS RLC IDN TYPE SYSTem RLC IDN TYPE State Saved Saved in instrument state Range SYSTem COMPatibility USER Initial S W Revision A 06 00 or later Key Path Mode Setup Mode IDN Response Example RLC IDN TYPE COMP Initial S W Revision A 06 00 or later Key Path Mode Setup Mode IDN Response Example RLC IDN TYPE SYST Initi...

Страница 35: ...y active mode by resetting the mode persistent setting to their default values and by performing a mode preset This function will never cause a mode switch This function performs a full preset on the active mode This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user guide html ...

Страница 36: ... USB GPIB interface and free instrument to PC connection tool Agilent IO Libraries Suite when you connect the instrument to a PC For more details visit http www agilent com find 82357B http www agilent com find iolib NOTE The commands can be sent via a GPIB LAN USB or Telnet connection that your X Series analyzer can support This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user gu...

Страница 37: ...36 Front Panel Operations Send Commands This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user guide html ...

Страница 38: ... 165 contains some useful information If you are using other optional programming compatibility modes you should refer to the manual that came with the option NOTE Most FSE FSP FSU SCPI commands have a numeric suffix at the first node corresponding to the Split Screen A B feature for example CALCulate 1 2 INITiate 1 2 and so on However the N9062A or W9062A does not support suffix 2 That is Full Sc...

Страница 39: ...Culate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 AOFF FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 TRACe 1 to 3 FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 X 0 to MAX frequency sweep time FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 X RELati ve FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 Y FSE FSP FSU Yes The only unit supported is dB CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 MAXimu m PEAK FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 DELTa...

Страница 40: ...Tamarker 1 4 FUNCtio n PNOise AUTO ON OFF FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 FUNCtio n PNOise RESult FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 ACTive FSE FSU Yesa All LIMit functions are not supported in CCDF and APD measurements CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 TRACe 1 to 3 FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 STATe ON OFF FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 UNIT DBM DBPW WATT DBUV DBMV VOLT DBUA ...

Страница 41: ...FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 ACPower ACHan nel ABSolute FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 ACPower ACHan nel ABSolute STATe FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 ACPower ACHan nel RESult FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 ACPower ALTern ate 1 2 RELative FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 ACPower ALTern ate 1 2 RELative STATe FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 ACPower A...

Страница 42: DBM and DB CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 LOWer MODE RELative ABSolute FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 LOWer SHIFt numeric_value FSE FSP FSU Yes The unit supported are DBM and DB CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 LOWer SPACing LINear LOGarithmic FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 LOWer THResho ld numeric_value FSP FSU Yes The only unit supported is DBM CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 8 UPPer DATA numeric_val...

Страница 43: ...equency sweep time FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 X SLIMits RI GHT 0 to MAX frequency sweep time FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 COUNt ON OFF FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 COUNt RESo lution 0 1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Hz FSE FSP FSU Yes Support the parameter option 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 Hz CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 COUNt FRE Quency FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 MARKer...

Страница 44: ...CE NTer FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion C STep FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion FP Eaks FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion FP Eaks COUNt FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion R EFerence FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion FP Eaks X FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion FP Eaks Y FSE FSP FSU Yes CALCulate 1 2 MA...

Страница 45: ...STATistics NSAMples 100 to 1E9 FSP FSU Yes Min 1000 CALCulate STATistics SCALe AUTO ONCE FSP FSU Accepted CALCulate STATistics SCALe X RLEVel 130dBm to 30dBm FSP FSU Accepted CALCulate STATistics SCALe X RANGe 10dB to 200dB FSP FSU Accepted CALCulate STATistics SCALe Y UPPer 1E 8 to 1 0 FSP FSU Accepted CALCulate STATistics SCALe Y LOWer 1E 9 to 0 1 FSP FSU Accepted CALCulate STATistics PRESet FSP...

Страница 46: ...NNotation FREQuency ON OFF FSE FSP FSU Accepted DISPlay LOGO ON OFF FSE FSP FSU Accepted DISPlay PSAVe STATe ON OFF FSE FSP FSU Accepted DISPlay PSAVe HOLDoff 1 to 60 FSE FSP FSU Accepted DISPlay CMAP 1 to 26 DEFault 1 2 FSE FSP FSU Accepted DISPlay CMAP 1 to 26 HSL hue sat lum FSE FSP FSU Accepted DISPlay CMAP 1 to 26 PDEFined BLACk BLUE BROWn GREen CYAN RED MAGenta YELLow WHITe DGRAy LGRAy LBLUe...

Страница 47: ...SPlay WINDow 1 2 TRACe 1 to 3 STATe ON OFF FSE FSP FSU Yes FORMat DATA FSE FSP FSU Yes The supported formats are X Series specific ASC 8 REAL 32 REAL 64 and INT 32 HCOPy ABORt FSE FSP FSU Yes HCOPy functions are not supported except HCOPY ABORt and HCOPY IMMediate HCOPy CMAP 1 to 26 DEFault1 2 3 FSP FSU Accepted All the printer setting commands are accepted but take no action HCOPy CMAP 1 to 26 HS...

Страница 48: ...ut 1 2 ATTenuation FSE FSP FSU Yes Only support 2 dB steps INPut 1 2 ATTenuation AUTO FSE FSP FSU Yes INPut 1 2 EATT FSP FSU Yes Max 24 dB INPut 1 2 EATT AUTO FSP FSU Yes INPut 1 2 EATT STATe FSP FSU Yes INPut 1 2 IMPedance FSE FSP FSU Yes INPut 1 2 GAIN STATe FSP FSU Yes INSTrument SELect SANalyzer DDEMod ADEMod MGSM WCDPower BWCDpower MWCDpower BC2K BDO FSE FSP FSU Yes Agilent supports its own l...

Страница 49: ...gilent supports TRACE1 TRACE2 TRACE3 TRACE4 TRACE5 TRACE6 ALL Do not support Split Screen screen A or screen B MMEMory CLEar STATe 1 file_name FSE FSP FSU Accepted MMEMory CLEar ALL FSE FSP FSU Accepted MMEMory SELect ITEM HWSettings ON OFF FSE FSP FSU Accepted The following MMEM SEL commands related to printer settings are accepted but take no action MMEMory SELect ITEM TRACe ACTive ON OFF FSE FS...

Страница 50: ...eo 1Hz to 10MHz FSE FSP FSU Yes Max 50 MHz SENSe 1 2 BANDwidth BWIDth VIDeo AU TO ON OFF FSE FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 BANDwidth BWIDth VIDeo RAT io 0 01 to 1000 FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 CORRection EGAin INPut MAG Nitude 200 200dB FSP FSU Yes Min 81 90 dB Max 81 90 dB SENSe 1 2 CORRection TRANsducer SELec t name FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 CORRection TRANsducer UNIT string FSP FSU Accepted Preset to DB SENSe 1...

Страница 51: ...NSe 1 2 FREQuency SPAN 0 to fmax FSE FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 FREQuency SPAN FULL FSE FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 FREQuency STARt 0 to fmax FSE FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 FREQuency STOP 0 to fmax FSE FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 FREQuency MODE CW FIXed SWEep FSE FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 FREQuency OFFSet FSE FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 POWer ACHannel SPACing CHA Nnel 100 Hz to 2000 MHz FSE FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 POWer ACHannel S...

Страница 52: ...Wer MCACpower OBANdwidth OBWidth CN CN0 FSE FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 POWer ACHannel PRESet RLEV el FSP FSU Accepted SENSe 1 2 POWer BANDwidth BWIDth 10 to 99 9PCT FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 POWer HSPeed ON OFF FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 POWer NCORrection ON OFF FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 POWer TRACe 1 to 3 FSP FSU Accepted SENSe 1 2 ROSCillator SOURce INTernal EXTernal FSE FSP FSU Yes SENSe 1 2 SWEep TIME 2 5ms to ...

Страница 53: STATus QUEStionable CONDition FSE FSP FSU Yes STATus QUEStionable ENABle FSE FSP FSU Yes Max 32767 STATus QUEStionable PTRansition FSE FSP FSU Yes Max 32767 STATus QUEStionable NTRansition FSE FSP FSU Yes Max 32767 STATus QUEStionable FREQuency EVENt FSE FSP FSU Yes STATus QUEStionable FREQuency CONDition FSE FSP FSU Yes STATus QUEStionable FREQuency ENABle FSE FSP FSU Yes Max 32767 STATus QUES...

Страница 54: ...rt the parameter list as TRACe 1 DATA TRACE1 TRACE2 TRACE3 TRACE4 TRACE5 TRACE6 data where data can be ASCII REAL or INTeger TRACe 1 2 IQ DATA FSP FSU Yes TRACe 1 2 IQ SET filter type rbw sample rate trigger source trigger slope pretrigger samples of samples FSP FSU Yes TRACe 1 2 IQ SRATe 15 625kHz to 32MHz FSP FSU Yes TRACe IQ STATe ON OFF FSP FSU Yes TRIGger 1 2 SEQuence SOURce FSE FSP FSU Yes T...

Страница 55: ... 0 Max 500 ms TRIGger 1 2 SEQuence SLOPe POSitive NEGative FSE FSP FSU Yes a Agilent supports up to 6 limit lines b Accepted means this command is accepted but takes no action and reports no error Table 3 1 SCPI Commands Summary Table SCPI Command Corresponding Model Support Notes This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user guide html ...

Страница 56: ... register ESR Queries and clears the standard event status event register This is a destructive read ID This command does not follow any of the SCPI rules It only exists so that production can get a universal response to the ID command for every instrument IDN Returns an instrument identification information The string will contain the model number serial number and firmware revision The response ...

Страница 57: ...ister SRE integer SRE This command sets the value of the service request enable register The query returns the value of the register STB Returns the value of the status byte register without erasing its contents TRG This command triggers the instrument Use the command TRIGger SEQuence SOURce to select the trigger source TST This query performs a self test and returns a number indicating the succes...

Страница 58: ...ry returns the model currently being emulated This setting affects the response string of IDN and the entire SCPI tree according to the current selection 1 After changing into or out of SCPI Language Compatibility mode allow seconds of delay before sending subse quent commands Key Path Front panel key Remote Command INSTrument SELect SCPILC INSTrument NSELect 270 Key Path Front panel key Initial S...

Страница 59: ... FSU Initial S W Revision A 06 00 or later Key Path Mode Setup Compatibility Mode Example RLC TYPE FSE Initial S W Revision A 06 00 or later Key Path Mode Setup Compatibility Mode Example RLC TYPE FSP Initial S W Revision A 06 00 or later Key Path Mode Setup Compatibility Mode Example RLC TYPE FSU Initial S W Revision A 06 00 or later Key Path Mode Setup Remote Command SENSe RLC IDN TYPE SYSTem CO...

Страница 60: ... which case the System IDN Response is returned instead ABORt Subsystem The ABORt subsystem contains commands for aborting triggered actions An action may be triggered again immediately after being aborted All commands trigger events and therefore have no RST value Initial S W Revision A 06 00 or later Key Path Mode Setup Mode IDN Response Example RLC IDN TYPE COMP Initial S W Revision A 06 00 Key...

Страница 61: ...meric suffix is omitted delta marker 1 is automatically selected The query returns the current state of this setting CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 MODE ABSolute RELative The command switches the frequency input of the delta marker between Absolute and Relative modes The query returns the current state of this setting Remote Command ABORt Example ABOR Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command...

Страница 62: ...marker 1 or to the reference position for CALCulate DELTamarker FUNCtion FIXed STATe ON If required the corresponding Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset RELative State Saved Saved in instrument state Range ABSolute RELative Remote Command CALCulate 1 DELTamarker 1 2 3 4 AOFF Example CALC DELT AOFF Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate 1 DELTamarker 1 2 3 4 TRACe 1 2 3 Exam...

Страница 63: ...e current value that is in order of decreasing X values If required the specified delta marker is first activated CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 MAXimum NEXT Places the delta marker at the next smaller maximum on the trace If required the specified delta marker is first activated Remote Command CALCulate 1 DELTamarker 1 2 3 4 X RELative Example CALC DELT X REL Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remot...

Страница 64: ...nimum of the trace If required the specified delta marker is first activated CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 MINimum RIGHt Places the delta marker at the next higher minimum to the right of the current value that is in order of increasing X values If required the specified delta marker is first activated Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate 1 DELTamarker 1 2 3 4 MAXimum RIGHt Ex...

Страница 65: ... marker 1 is activated its position becomes the reference point for the measurement The reference point can then be changed using commands CALCulate DELTamarker FUNCtion FIXed RPOint X and RPOint Y independently of the position of marker 1 and of any trace The query returns the current state of this setting Example CALC DELT MIN RIGH Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate 1 DELT...

Страница 66: ...r 2 CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 FUNCtion FIXed RPOint Y OFFSet numeric_value Sets or queries the additional offset for all delta markers when you are making measurements using a fixed reference value enabled by CALCulate DELTamarker FUNCtion FIXed STATe ON For phase noise measurements selected via CALCulate DELTamarker FUNCtion PNOise STATe ON specifies an additional offset that is included in t...

Страница 67: ...with commands CALCulate DELTamarker FUNCtion FIXed RPOint X and RPOint Y independently of the position of marker 1 and of any trace The DELTamarker numeric suffix 1 to 4 is not required for this command The query returns the current state of this setting CALCulate 1 2 DELTamarker 1 4 FUNCtion PNOise AUTO ON OFF The command switches on or off automatic peak search action for fixed reference marker ...

Страница 68: ... as upper or lower The limit line Y values correspond to the X axis values The number of x and y values must be identical X Series Analyzers support up to 6 active limit lines at the same time CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 6 ACTive Queries the names of all active limit lines For this command all the numeric suffixes are ignored The return values are sorted alphabetically If there are no active limit lines...

Страница 69: ...or all limit lines This mode supports only the following amplitude units DBM DBPW WATT DBUV DBMV VOLT DBUA and DB The command ignores the numeric suffix of LIMit and sets all limit lines to the same unit State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 TRACe 1 2 3 CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 TRACe Example CALC LIM TRAC 1 Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 1...

Страница 70: ...specified limit line The comment string may have a maximum length of 40 characters Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 UNIT DBM DBUV DBMV DBUA A V W CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 UNIT Example CALC LIM UNIT DBM CALC LIM UNIT Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset DBM State Saved Saved in instrument state Range DBM DBUV DBMV DBUA A V W 0 PASS 1 FAIL 2 MARGIN Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMi...

Страница 71: The query returns the current value of this string Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 COMMent string CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 COMMent Example CALC LIM COMM GSM2 CALC LIM COMM Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 COPY int Example CALC LIM COPY 2 Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Min 1 Max 6 Remot...

Страница 72: ...The limit line is selected by specifying the expected dBm power This command is accepted but takes no action and reports no error Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 DELete Example CALC LIM DEL Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 ESPectrum MODE AUTO MANual USER CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 ESPectrum MODE Example CALC LIM ESP MODE AUTO CALC LIM ES...

Страница 73: ...d for the upper lower adjacent channel or for the alternate adjacent channels The numeric suffix is irrelevant for this command CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 6 ACPower ACHannel RELative Specifies the relative limit of the upper lower adjacent channel for ACP measurements in the selected measurement window The reference value for the relative limit value is the measured channel power The numeric suffix is ...

Страница 74: ...rement in the selected measurement window The numeric suffix in LIMIt is irrelevant for this command Example CALC LIM ACP ACH 30DB 30DB CALC LIM ACP ACH REL 30DB 30DB CALC LIM ACP ACH CALC LIM ACP ACH REL Notes FSU FSP FSE Preset 0dB 0dB State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 ACPower ACHannel RELa tive STATe ON OFF 1 0 CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 ACPow...

Страница 75: ...easurement is performed If the power measurement of the adjacent channel is switched off the command produces a query error The numeric suffix is irrelevant for this command The result is returned in the form result result where result PASSED FAILED and where the first returned value denotes the lower the second denotes the upper adjacent channel Example CALC LIM ACP ACH ABS 30DBM 30DBM CALC LIM A...

Страница 76: ...ond alternate channel The numeric suffixes 1 to 6 are irrelevant for this command The result can be queried with CALCulate LIMit ACPower ALTernate 1 2 RESult A complete measurement must be performed between switching on the limit check and the result query since otherwise no valid results are obtained Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 ACPower ALTernate 1 2 RELative real real CALCulate 1...

Страница 77: or the second alternate channel The numeric suffixes 1 to 6 are irrelevant for this command The result can be queried with CALCulate LIMit ACPower ALTernate 1 2 RESult A complete measurement must be performed between switching on the limit check and the result query since otherwise no valid results are available State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...

Страница 78: ...axis NOTE All limit functions are not supported in the CCDF and APD measurements CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 6 CONTrol DATA numeric_value numeric_value The command specifies the X axis values frequencies or times of the upper or lower limit lines This mode does not support any unit for this command The query returns the current values of these settings CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 6 CONTrol DOMain FREQuency TI...

Страница 79: ... 3 4 5 6 CONTrol DOMain FREQuency TIME CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 CONTrol DOMain Example CALC LIM CONT DOM FREQ CALC LIM CONT DOM Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset FREQuency State Saved Saved in instrument state Range FREQuency TIME Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 CONTrol OFFSet real CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 CONTrol OFFSet Example CALC LIM CONT OFFS 1 CALC LIM CONT OFFS ...

Страница 80: ...ctions are not supported in the CCDF and APD measurements CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 6 LOWer DATA numeric_value numeric_value The command defines a set of values for the specified lower limit line Range RELative ABSolute Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 CONTrol SHIFt real CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 CONTrol SHIFt Preset 0 SCPI Command Notes SCPI Command Notes FSE FSP FSU SCPI Example DEF ...

Страница 81: ...current value of this setting Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOWer DATA real real CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOWer DATA Example CALC LIM LOW DATA 1 20 100 300 1 CALC LIM LOW DATA Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOWer STATe ON OFF 1 0 CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOWer STATe Example CALC LIM LOW ST...

Страница 82: ...te 1 2 LIMit 1 6 LOWer SHIFt numeric_value The command shifts the specified limit line in the Y direction by the specified amount This mode does not support any unit for this command The query returns the current value of this setting Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOWer MARGin real CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOWer MARGin Example CALC LIM LOW MARG 10 CALC LIM LOW MARG Remote Comma...

Страница 83: ...ue of this setting CALCulate LIMit UPPer Subsystem The CALCulate LIMit UPPer subsystem controls the upper limit line Example CALC LIM LOW SHIF 1 CALC LIM LOW SHIF Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 0 Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOWer SPACing LINear LOGarithmic CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOWer SPACing Example CALC LIM LOW SPAC LIN CALC LIM LOW SPAC Remote Command Notes FSE ...

Страница 84: ...defines an offset for the Y axis of the specified relative upper limit line This mode does not support any unit for this command The query returns the current value of this setting Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 UPPer DATA real real CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 UPPer DATA Example CALC LIM UPP DATA 10 0 0 10 5 CALC LIM UPP DATA Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU State Saved Saved in in...

Страница 85: ... The query returns the current state of this setting CALCulate 1 2 LIMit 1 6 UPPer SHIFt numeric_value The command shifts the specified limit line in the Y direction by the specified amount Example CALC LIM UPP OFFS 1 CALC LIM UPP OFFS Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 0 Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 UPPer MARGin real CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 Upper MARGin Example CALC LIM...

Страница 86: ...s only dBm units The query returns the current value of this setting Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 UPPer SHIFt real CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 UPPer SHIFt Example CALC LIM UPP SHIF 1 CALC LIM UPP SHIF Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 0 Remote Command CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 UPPer SPACing LINear LOGarithmic CALCulate 1 LIMit 1 2 3 4 5 6 UPPer SPACing Example CALC LIM ...

Страница 87: ...ers are turned off All active marker and delta marker measurement functions are turned off CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 TRACe 1 to 3 The command assigns the specified marker to the trace defined by the command parameter If required the corresponding marker is turned on The query returns the current assignment Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 STATe ON OFF 1 0 CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 STATe E...

Страница 88: ...nd limits the evaluation range on the trace The query returns the current state of this setting CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 X SLIMits LEFT 0 MAX frequency sweep time The command sets the left limit of the search range for markers and delta markers Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 1 Min 1 Max 3 Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 X real CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 X Example CALC MARK X 100...

Страница 89: ...100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 Hz The query returns the current value of this setting Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 X SLIMits LEFT real CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 X SLIMits LEFT Example CALC MARK X SLIM LEFT 1MHZ CALC MARK X SLIM LEFT Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 X SLIMits RIGHt real CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 X SLIMits RIGHt Example CALC MARK X...

Страница 90: ...RCent This command positions the selected marker in the selected window to the given probability If marker 2 3 or 4 is selected and used as a delta marker it is switched to marker mode Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 1KHZ Min 1 Max 10KHz Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 COUNt FREQuency Example CALC MARK COUN FREQ Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1...

Страница 91: ...trace CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 MAXimum RIGHt Places the delta marker at the next smaller maximum to the right of the current value that is in order of increasing X values If required the corresponding delta marker is first activated Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 Y PERCent float CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 Y PERCent Example CALC MARK2 Y PERC 95PCT Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Min 0 Max 1...

Страница 92: ...r search limit settings are taken into account For this command the numeric suffix 1 to 4 is ignored The query returns the current state of this setting Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 MINimum RIGHt Example CALC MARK MIN RIGH Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 MAXimum AUTO ON OFF 1 0 CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 MAXimum AUTO Example CALC MARK MAX AUT...

Страница 93: no RST value and no query CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 MINimum LEFT Places the marker at the next smaller maximum to the left of the current value that is in order of decreasing X values on the trace CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 PEXCursion numeric_value The command specifies the peak excursion This mode supports only dB units Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 MINimum PEAK Example CALC MARK MIN ...

Страница 94: ...for the indicated number of maxima Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 PEXCursion rel_ampl CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 PEXCursion Example CALC MARK PEXC 10dB Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 6dB State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 FUNCtion CENTer Example CALC MARK FUNC CENT Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 FUNCtion ...

Страница 95: ...e values can be queried with CALC MARK FUNC FPEaks COUNt CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion FPEaks SORT X Y Sets the sort mode for the search for maxima Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 FUNCtion FPEaks COUNt Example CALC MARK FUNC FPE COUN Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 FUNCtion REFerence Example CALC MARK FUNC REF Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate 1 M...

Страница 96: ...LCulate MARKer FUNCtion NOISe RESult The query returns the current state of this setting Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 FUNCtion SUMMary RMS STA Te ON OFF 1 0 CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 FUNCtion SUMMary RMS STA Te Example CALC MARK FUNC SUMM RMS ON CALC MARK FUNC SUMM RMS Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset OFF State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARK...

Страница 97: ...ands for control of power measurement CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion POWer SELect ACPower CPOWer MCACpower OBANdwidth OBWidth CN CN0 Selects and activates the specified power measurement type This mode supports ACPower MCACpower CPOWer OBANdwidth and OBWidth CALCulate 1 2 MARKer 1 4 FUNCtion POWer RESult ACPower CPOWer MCACpower OBANdwidth OBWidth CN CN0 Queries the result for the specified pow...

Страница 98: ...command activates or deactivates measurement of the complementary cumulative distribution function CCDF Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 FUNCtion POWer RESult ACPower CPOWer MCACpower OBANdwidth OBWidth CN CN0 Example CALC MARK FUNC POW RES OBW Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 FUNCtion POWer RESult PHZ ON OFF 1 0 CALCulate 1 MARKer 1 2 3 4 FUNCtio...

Страница 99: ...00 The query returns the current value of this setting Remote Command CALCulate STATistics CCDF STATe ON OFF 1 0 CALCulate STATistics CCDF STATe Example CALC STAT CCDF STAT ON Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Preset OFF State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command CALCulate STATistics CCDF X 1 2 3 P0_01 P0_1 P1 P10 Example CALC STAT CCDF X P10 Remote Command Notes FSU Remote Command CALCulate ...

Страница 100: ...g defined with the command DISPlay WINDow TRACe Y SCALe This command is accepted but takes no action and reports no error Remote Command CALCulate 1 STATistics SCALe AUTO ONCE Example CALC STAT SCAL AUTO ONCE Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate 1 STATistics SCALe X RLEVel ampl CALCulate 1 STATistics SCALe X RLEVel Example CALC STAT SCAL X RLEV 60dBm CALC STAT SCAL X RLEV Remote C...

Страница 101: ...ror CALCulate STATistics PRESet Resets the scaling of the X and Y axes in a statistical measurement The following values are set This command is accepted but takes no action and reports no error Remote Command CALCulate 1 STATistics SCALe Y UPPer real CALCulate 1 STATistics SCALe Y UPPer Example CALC STAT SCAL Y UPP 0 01 CALC STAT SCAL Y UPP Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Preset 1 0 State Saved Save...

Страница 102: ...cepted but takes no action and reports no error CALCulate 1 2 DLINe 1 2 STATe ON OFF The command turns Display Line 1 or 2 level lines on or off The query returns the current state of this setting Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate STATistics RESult MEAN PEAK CFACtor ALL Example CALC STAT RES ALL Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Remote Command CALCulate 1 DLINe 1 2 ampl CALCulate 1 ...

Страница 103: ...0 fmax Specifies the position of the frequency lines This command is accepted but takes no action and reports no error CALCulate 1 2 FLINe 1 2 STATe ON OFF Switches the frequency line on or off Remote Command CALCulate 1 THReshold ampl CALCulate 1 THReshold Example CALC THR 82DBM Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command CALCulate 1 THReshold STATe ON OF...

Страница 104: ...Wer DBM V A W DB PCT UNITLESS DBPW WATT DBUV DBMV VOLT DBUA AMPere The command selects the power units Remote Command CALCulate 1 FLINe 1 2 STATe ON OFF 1 0 CALCulate 1 FLINe 1 2 STATe Example CALC FLIN STAT ON Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset OFF State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command CALCulate 1 TLINe 1 2 time CALCulate 1 TLINe 1 2 Example CALC TLIN 10ms Remote Command Notes...

Страница 105: ...ude scale log lin to Volt A Sets the unit for the selected amplitude scale log lin to Ampere Remote Command CALCulate 1 UNIT POWer DBM DBUV DBMV DBUA V A W CALCulate 1 UNIT POWer Example CALC UNIT POW DBM Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset DBM State Saved Saved in instrument state Range DBM DBUV DBMV DBUA V A W Backward Compatibility UNIT 1 2 POWer Remote Command Example UNIT POW DBM Remote C...

Страница 106: ...into account by the instrument ON or not OFF DISPlay Subsystem The DISPLay subsystem commands control the selection and presentation of textual and graphical information and measurement data This mode does not support the screen display function All DISPlay related SCPI commands are accepted but take no action and report no error Remote Command Example UNIT POW DBUV Remote Command Example UNIT POW...

Страница 107: ...o action and reports no error Remote Command DISPlay FORMat SINGle SPLit DISPlay FORMat Example DISP FORM SING Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset SINGle State Saved Saved in instrument state Range SINGle SPLit Remote Command DISPlay ANNotation FREQuency ON OFF 1 0 DISPlay ANNotation FREQuency Example DISP ANN FREQ OFF DISP ANN FREQ Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset ON State Saved Saved ...

Страница 108: ...n and reports no error DISPlay CMAP 1 to 26 HSL hue sat lum Defines the instrument s color map Remote Command DISPlay PSAVe STATe ON OFF 1 0 DISPlay PSAVe STATe Example DISP PSAV OFF DISP PSAV Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset OFF State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command DISPlay PSAVe HOLDoff int DISPlay PSAVe HOLDoff Example DISP PSAV HOLD 30 DISP PSAV HOLD Remote Command Notes ...

Страница 109: ... 25 26 HSL Example DISP CMAP HSL 0 3 0 8 1 0 DISP CMAP HSL Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command DISPlay CMAP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PDEFined BLACk BLUE BROWn GREen CYAN RED MAGenta YELLow WHITe DG RAy LGRAy LBLUe LGREen LCYan LRED LMAGenta DISPlay CMAP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20...

Страница 110: ...rts no error Remote Command DISPlay WINDow 1 SIZE LARGe SMALl DISPlay WINDow 1 TRACe 1 2 3 MODE Example DISP WIND SIZE LARG DISP WIND SIZE Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Preset SMALl State Saved Saved in instrument state Range LARGe SMALl Backwards Compatibility SCPI DISPlay SIZE Remote Command DISPlay WINDow 1 TEXT DATA string DISPlay WINDow 1 TEXT DATA Example DISP WIND TEXT DATA 123 DISP WIND TEX...

Страница 111: ...te or relative Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset OFF State Saved Saved in instrument state Backwards Compatibility SCPI DISPlay TEXT STATe Remote Command DISPlay WINDow 1 TIME ON OFF 1 0 DISPlay WINDow 1 TIME Example DISP WIND TIME ON DISP WIND TIME Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset OFF State Saved Saved in instrument state Backwards Compatibility SCPI DISPlay TIME Remote Command DISPl...

Страница 112: ...MODE ABS DISP WIND TRAC Y MODE Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset ABS State Saved Saved in instrument state Range ABSolute RELative Backwards Compatibility SCPI DISPlay 1 TRACe 1 2 3 Y SCALe MODE Remote Command DISPlay WINDow 1 TRACe 1 2 3 Y SCALe RLEVel ampl DISPlay WINDow 1 TRACe 1 2 3 Y SCALe RLEVel Example DISP TRAC Y RLEV 20dBm Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 20 dBm State Saved S...

Страница 113: ... dB Max 200 dB Backwards Compatibility SCPI DISPlay TRACe 1 2 3 Y SCALe RLEVel OFFSet Remote Command DISPlay WINDow 1 TRACe 1 to 3 Y SCALe PDIVision rel_ampl DISPlay WINDow 1 TRACe 1 to 3 Y SCALe PDIVision Example DISP WIND TRAC Y PDIV 5 DISP WIND TRAC Y PDIV Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU State Saved Saved in instrument state Backwards Compatibility SCPI DISPlay 1 TRACe 1 2 3 Y SCALe PDIVision ...

Страница 114: ...or data transmitted from the instrument to a control PC This command is specific to X Series analyzers Remote Command DISPlay WINDow 1 TRACe 1 2 3 MODE WRITe VIEW AVERage MAXHold MINHold DISPlay WINDow 1 TRACe 1 2 3 MODE Example DISP WIND1 TRAC MODE WRIT Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset WRITe State Saved Saved in instrument state Range WRITe VIEW AVERage MAXHold MINHold Backwards Compatibil...

Страница 115: ...ted but takes no action and reports no error Remote Command FORMat DATA ASCii INTeger 32 REAL 32 REAL 64 FORMat DATA Example FORM REAL 32 FORM ASC Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset ASCii Remote Command HCOPy ABORt Example HCOP ABOR Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command HCOPy CMAP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DEFault 1 2 3 Example HCOP CMAP DE...

Страница 116: ... 22 23 24 25 26 PDEFined BLACk BLUE BROWn GREen CYAN RED MAGenta YELLow WHITe DG RAy LGRAy LBLUe LGREen LCYan LRED LMAGenta HCOPy CMAP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PDEFined Example HCOP CMAP PDEF BLAC HCOP CMAP PDEF Remote Command Notes FSP FSU State Saved Saved in instrument state Range BLACk BLUE BROWn GREen CYAN RED MAGenta YELLow WHITe DGRAy LGRAy LBLUe ...

Страница 117: ... reports no error Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset OFF State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command HCOPy DEVice LANGuage 1 2 GDI WMF EWMF BMP HCOPy DEVice LANGuage Example HCOP DEV LANG GDI HCOP DEV LANG Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU State Saved Saved in instrument state Range GDI WMF EWMF BMP Remote Command HCOPy IMMediate Example HCOP IMM Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remot...

Страница 118: HCOPy ITEM WINDow 1 2 TEXT Example HCOP ITEM WIND TEXT comment HCOP ITEM WIND TEXT Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command HCOPy ITEM WINDow 1 2 TRACe STATe ON OFF 1 0 HCOPy ITEM WINDow 1 2 TRACe STATe Example HCOP ITEM WIND TRAC STAT OFF HCOP ITEM WIND TRAC STAT Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset OFF State Saved Saved in instrument state Remot...

Страница 119: ... a new sweep INPut Subsystem The INPut subsystem controls the input characteristics of the instrument s RF inputs INPut 1 2 ATTenuation The command specifies the input attenuator setting With the Electronic Attenuator Option this mode supports 2 dB steps Remote Command INITiate 1 CONTinuous ON OFF 1 0 INITiate 1 CONTinuous Example INIT CONT 0 INIT CONT 1 Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset ON ...

Страница 120: ...B The query returns the current value of this setting Remote Command INPut 1 ATTenuation rel_ampl INPut 1 ATTenuation Example INP ATT 40dB Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 6dB State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 0 Max 70 Remote Command INPut 1 ATTenuation AUTO ON OFF 1 0 INPut 1 ATTenuation AUTO Example INP ATT AUTO ON Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Preset ON State Saved Saved in instru...

Страница 121: ...minal input impedance The query returns the current state of this setting Max 24 Remote Command INPut 1 EATT AUTO ON OFF 1 0 INPut 1 EATT AUTO Example INP EATT AUTO ON Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Preset ON State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command INPut 1 EATT STATe ON OFF 1 0 INPut 1 EATT STATe Example INP EATT STAT ON Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Preset OFF State Saved Saved in instr...

Страница 122: ...umeric value on page 121 The query returns the current state of this setting INSTrument NSELect numeric value The command selects the analyzer s mode according to the value of a numeric parameter This mode supports the parameter values listed in the table below Mode Identification Numbers and Strings for X Series Analyzers Remote Command INPut 1 GAIN STATe ON OFF 1 0 INPut 1 GAIN STATe Example INP...

Страница 123: VXA 100 VSA 89601 VSA 101 VSA89601 LTE 102 LTE iDEN WiDEN MotoTalk 103 IDEN 802 16 OFDM Fixed WiMAX 104 WIMAXFIXED LTE TDD 105 LTETDD TD SCDMA with HSPA 8PSK 211 TDSCDMA Noise Figure 219 NFIGURE Bluetooth 228 BLUETOOTH Measuring Receiver 233 MRECEIVE Analog Demod 234 ADEMOD DVB T H 235 DVB DTMB 236 DTMB ISDB T 239 ISDBT CMMB 240 CMMB Remote Language Compatibility 266 RLC SCPI Language Compatibi...

Страница 124: ..._destination If file_source lists more than one file copies the files to the destination directory specified by file_destination Remote Command INSTrument NSELect integer INSTrument NSELect Example INST NSEL 1 Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command MMEMory CATalog string MMEMory CATalog Example MMEM CAT C MMEM CAT Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Stat...

Страница 125: ...pecified by file_name The file contents are set as the new analyzer state Example MMEM COPY C test txt D Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command MMEMory DATA string block_data MMEMory DATA string Example MMEM DATA TEST CFG 217This is the file MMEM DATA TEST CFG Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command MMEMory DELete string Example MMEM DEL C tes...

Страница 126: ...ory MSIS device This command is accepted but takes no action and reports no error MMEMory NAME file_name The command specifies the path and name of the destination file for use when a print to file operation is initiated using the command HCOPy IMMediate The specified destination file type must be PNG Remote Command MMEMory LOAD AUTO 1 string Example MMEM LOAD AUTO 1 myState state Remote Command N...

Страница 127: command is accepted but takes no action and reports no error Remote Command MMEMory NAME string MMEMory NAME Example MMEM NAME 1 PNG MMEM NAME Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command MMEMory RDIRectory string Example MMEM RDIR C Test Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command MMEMory STORe STATe 1 string Example MMEM STORe STAT 1 myState state Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remot...

Страница 128: ...ports no error Remote Command MMEMory CLEar ALL Example MMEM CLE ALL Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command MMEMory SELect ITEM HWSettings ON OFF 1 0 MMEMory SELect ITEM HWSettings Example MMEM SEL HWS OFF MMEM SEL HWS Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset On State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command MMEMory SELect ITEM TRACe ACTive ON OFF 1 0 MMEMory SELect ITEM TRACe ACTive...

Страница 129: ...N State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command MMEMory SELect ITEM SCData ON OFF 1 0 MMEMory SELect ITEM SCData Example MMEM SEL SCD OFF MMEM SEL SCD Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset OFF State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command MMEMory SELect ITEM TRANsducer ALL ON OFF 1 0 MMEMory SELect ITEM TRANsducer ALL Example MMEM SEL TRAN ALL OFF MMEM SEL TRAN ALL Remote Command N...

Страница 130: ...test result is obtained SENSe 1 2 AVERage COUNt 0 to 32767 Specifies the number of measurements that contribute to the average value In the SCPILC mode the maximum value is 10000 and not 32767 as in FSx Remote Command MMEMory SELect ITEM NONE Example MMEM SEL NONE Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command MMEMory SELect ITEM DEFault Example MMEM SEL DEF Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remot...

Страница 131: ...otes FSE FSP FSU Preset 1 State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 0 Max 10000 Backward Compatibility SENSe1 AVERage COUNt Remote Command SENSe AVERage STATe 1 2 3 ON OFF 1 0 SENSe AVERage STATe 1 2 3 Example AVER STAT1 OFF SENS AVER STAT3 ON Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset OFF State Saved Yes Backwards Compatibility SCPI SENSe1 AVERage STATe Remote Command SENSe AVERage TYPE VIDeo LINear...

Страница 132: ...lution freq SENSe BANDwidth BWIDth RESolution Example BAND 1 KHZ BAND Remote Command Notes The setting and querying of values depends on the current bandwidth type Remote Command Notes Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 3 MHz State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 1 Hz Max 8 MHz Backwards Compatibility SCPI SENSe1 BANDwidth BWIDth RESolution Remote Command SENSe BANDwidth BWIDth RESolution...

Страница 133: ... for RBW 30 kHz State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 0 0001 Max 1 Backwards Compatibility SCPI SENSe1 BANDwidth BWIDth RESolution RATio Remote Command SENSe BANDwidth BWIDth RESolution TYPE NORMal FFT CFILter RRC SENSe BANDwidth BWIDth RESolution TYPE Example BAND TYPE RRC BAND TYPE Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Preset NORMal State Saved Saved in instrument state Range NORMal FFT CFILter RRC B...

Страница 134: ...ackwards Compatibility SCPI SENSe1 BANDwidth BWIDth RESolution VIDeo Remote Command SENSe BANDwidth BWIDth VIDeo AUTO ON OFF 1 0 SENSe BANDwidth BWIDth VIDeo AUTO Example BAND VID AUTO OFF Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset ON State Saved Saved in instrument state Backwards Compatibility SCPI SENSe1 BANDwidth BWIDth RESolution VIDeo AUTO Remote Command SENSe BANDwidth BWIDth VIDeo RATio real ...

Страница 135: ... MAGNitude Example CORR EGA INP 10DB Remote Command Notes FSP Preset 0 dB State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 81 90 dB Max 81 90 dB Backwards Compatibility SCPI SENSe1 CORRection EGAin INPut MAGNitude Remote Command SENSe CORRection TRANsducer SELect string SENSe CORRection TRANsducer SELect Example CORR TRAN SEL A CORR TRAN SEL Notes Altogether there are only 6 different transducers can be ...

Страница 136: ... correction settings Notes This command won t invoke any action and the default value in the system is always DB FSU FSP FSE Remote Command Notes Currently this command support 6 correction settings State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command SENSe CORRection TRANsducer SCALing LINear LOGarithmic SENSe CORRection TRANsducer SCALing Example CORR TRAN SCAL LIN CORR TRAN SCAL Notes FSU FSP F...

Страница 137: ... 5 6 7 8 9 0 CORR TRAN DATA Notes All parameters are sent as dimensionless Currently this command support 6 correction settings FSU FSP FSE State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command SENSe CORRection TRANsducer STATe ON OFF 1 0 SENSe CORRection TRANsducer STATe Example CORR TRAN STAT OFF CORR TRAN STAT Notes FSU FSP FSE Preset OFF State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command SENS...

Страница 138: ...uency axis can Notes FSU FSP FSE Preset OFF State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command SENSe DETector 1 2 3 FUNCtion APEak NEGative POSitive SAMPle RMS AVERage QPEak SENSe DETector 1 2 3 FUNCtion Example DET POS Remote Command Notes Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset APEak State Saved Saved in instrument state Range APEak NEGative POSitive SAMPle RMS AVERage QPEak Backwards Compatib...

Страница 139: ... SENSe FREQuency CENTer Example FREQ CENT 50MHz FREQ CENT Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset fmax 2 with fmax maximum frequency State Saved Saved in instrument state Min Depends on instrument minimum frequency Max Depends on instrument maximum frequency Backwards Compatibility SCPI SENSe1 FREQuency CENTer Remote Command SENSe FREQuency CENTer STEP freq SENSe FREQuency CENTer STEP Example FREQ...

Страница 140: ...atibility SCPI SENSe1 FREQuency CENTer STEP LINK Remote Command SENSe FREQuency CENTer STEP LINK FACTor int SENSe FREQuency CENTer STEP LINK FACTor Example FREQ CENT STEP LINK FACTor 20PCT Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 1 Max 100 Backwards Compatibility SCPI SENSe1 FREQuency CENTer STEP LINK FACTor Remote Command SENSe FREQuency SPAN freq SENSe FREQuency...

Страница 141: ... FSU Backwards Compatibility SCPI SENSe1 FREQuency SPAN FULL Remote Command SENSe FREQuency STARt freq SENSe FREQuency STARt Example FREQ STAR 200MHz FREQ STAR Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 0 Hz State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 0Hz Max Depends on the instrument maximum frequency Remote Command SENSe FREQuency STOP freq SENSe FREQuency STOP Example FREQ STOP 220MHz FREQ STOP Remo...

Страница 142: ...ments in the frequency domain span 0 Remote Command SENSe FREQuency MODE CW FIXed SWEep SENSe FREQuency MODE Example FREQ MODE CW Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset SWEep Range CW FIXed SWEep Backwards Compatibility SCPI SENSe1 FREQuency MODE Remote Command SENSe FREQuency OFFSet freq SENSe FREQuency OFFSet Example FREQ OFFS 10MHz Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 0 Hz State Saved Saved...

Страница 143: ...UNt 1 2 3 4 Specifies the number of carrier signals This command is only available for multicarrier channel and Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 20 kHz State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 100 Hz Max 2 GHz Remote Command SENSe POWer ACHannel SPACing ACHannel freq SENSe POWer ACHannel SPACing ACHannel Example POW ACH SPAC ACH 33kHz Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 20KHz State Sav...

Страница 144: ... SENSe POWer ACHannel TXCHannel COUNt Example POW ACH TXCH COUN 1 POW ACH TXCH COUN Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Preset 4 State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 1 Max 4 Remote Command SENSe POWer ACHannel ACPairs SENSe POWer ACHannel ACPairs Example POW ACH ACP 3 Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 0 Range 0 1 2 3 Remote Command SENSe POWer ACHannel BANDwidth BWIDth CHANnel freq SENSe POWer...

Страница 145: ...Se 1 2 POWer ACHannel MODE ABSolute RELative Switches between absolute and relative adjacent channel measurements Remote Command SENSe POWer ACHannel BANDwidth BWIDth ACHannel freq SENSe POWer ACHannel BANDwidth BWIDth ACHannel Example POW ACH BWID ACH 30kHz Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 14KHz State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 100Hz Max 1000MHz Remote Command SENSe POWer ACHannel...

Страница 146: ... is only available for multicarrier and adjacent channel power measurements Preset ABSolute State Saved Saved in instrument state Range ABSolute RELative Remote Command SENSe POWer ACHannel REFerence AUTO ONCE Example POW ACH REF AUTO ONCE Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command SENSe POWer ACHannel REFerence TXCHannel AUTO MINimum MAXimum LHIGhest SEN...

Страница 147: ...takes no action and reports no error SENSe 1 2 POWer BANDwidth BWIDth 10 to 99 9PCT Specifies the power percentage with respect to the total power Preset 1 State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 1 Max 2 Remote Command SENSe POWer ACHannel PRESet ACPower CPOWer MCACpower OBANdwidth OBWidth CN CN0 Example SENS POW ACH PRES ACP Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU State Saved No Range ACPower CPOWer M...

Страница 148: ...pted but takes no action and reports no error Min 10 Max 99 99 Remote Command SENSe POWer HSPeed ON OFF 1 0 SENSe POWer HSPeed Example POW HSP ON POW HSP Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Preset OFF State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command SENSe POWer NCORrection ON OFF 1 0 SENSe POWer NCORrection Example POW NCOR ON POW NCOR Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Preset OFF State Saved Saved in inst...

Страница 149: ... SENSe SWEep subsystem controls the sweep parameters SENSe 1 2 SWEep TIME 2 5ms to 16000s frequency domain 1us to 16000s time domain Specifies sweep time Min 1 Max 3 Remote Command SENSe ROSCillator SOURce INTernal EXTernal SENSe ROSCillator SOURce Example ROSC SOUR EXT Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset INT State Saved Yes Range INTernal EXTernal Remote Command SENSe SWEep TIME time SENSe SW...

Страница 150: ... gate signal Remote Command SENSe SWEep TIME AUTO OFF ON 0 1 SENSe SWEep TIME AUTO Example SWE TIME AUTO OFF Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset ON State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command SENSe SWEep COUNt int SENSe SWEep COUNt Example SENS SWE COUN 1000 SENS SWE COUN Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 0 State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 0 Max 10000 Remote Command SEN...

Страница 151: ...PE LEVel SWE EGAT TYPE Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset EDGE State Saved Saved in instrument state Range LEVel EDGE Remote Command SENSe SWEep EGATe POLarity POSitive NEGative SENSe SWEep EGATe POLarityh O Example SWE EGAT POL NEG SWE EGAT POL Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset POSitive State Saved Saved in instrument state Range POSitive NEGative Remote Command SENSe SWEep EGATe HOLDo...

Страница 152: ...ommand SENSe SWEep EGATe LENGth time SENSe SWEep EGATe LENGthË7O Example SWE EGAT LENG 1 SWE EGAT LENG Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 1 25e 7 State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 0 Max 100s Remote Command SENSe SWEep EGATe SOURce EXTernal IFPower RFPower SENSe SWEep EGATe SOURce Example SENS SWE EGAT SOUR EXT SENS SWE EGAT SOUR Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset EXTernal Range E...

Страница 153: ...f the CONDition section are not deleted after the readout STATus OPERation ENABle Specifies the bits of the ENABle section in the STATus OPERation register This mode supports the maximum value of 32767 not 65535 as in FSx State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 1 Max 8001 Remote Command STATus OPERation EVENt Example STAT OPER Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 0 Remote Command STATus OPERa...

Страница 154: ...5535 as in FSx STATus PRESet Resets the edge detectors and ENABle parts of all registers to a defined value Remote Command STATus OPERation PTRansition integer STATus OPERation PTRansition Example STAT OPER PTR 1 Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 32767 Min 0 Max 32767 SCPI Status Bits OPC Dependencies Sequential command Mode All Remote Command STATus OPERation NTRansition integer STATus OPER...

Страница 155: ... The ENABle register selectively enables individual events in the associated EVENt section for the summary bit in the status byte This mode supports the maximum value of 32767 not 65535 as FSx Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command STATus QUEStionable EVENt Example STAT QUES Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 0 Remote Command STATus QUEStionable CONDition Example STAT QUES COND Remot...

Страница 156: ...onable FREQuency CONDition Queries the contents of the CONDition section in the STATus QUEStionable FREQuency register The contents of the CONDition section are not deleted Remote Command STATus QUEStionable PTRansition integer STATus QUEStionable PTRansition Example STAT QUES PNTR 16 Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 0 Min 0 Max 32767 Remote Command STATus QUEStionable NTRansition integer S...

Страница 157: ...sition Specifies the edge detectors of all bits in the STATus QUEStionable FREQuency register from 1 to 0 for the transitions of the CONDition bit Remote Command STATus QUEStionable FREQuency CONDition Example STAT QUES FREQ COND Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 0 Remote Command STATus QUEStionable FREQuency ENABle integer STATus QUEStionable FREQuency ENABle Example STAT QUES FREQ ENAB 2 R...

Страница 158: ... GPIB receive terminator Remote Command STATus QUEStionable FREQuency NTRansition integer STATus QUEStionable FREQuency NTRansition Example STAT QUES FREQ NTR 2 Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 0 Min 0 Max 32767 Remote Command STATus QUEue NEXT Example STAT QUE Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command SYSTem COMMunicate GPIB SELF ADDRess integer SYSTem COMMunicate GPIB SELF ADDRess E...

Страница 159: ...FUNCtion FPEaks SORT Example CALC MARK FUNC FPE SORT X CALC MARK FUNC FPE SORT Notes FSE FSP FSU Currently this command won t invoke any action Remote Command SYSTem DATE year month day SYSTem DATE Example SYST DATE 2006 05 26 Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Mode All Remote Command SYSTem DISPlay FPANel ON OFF SYSTem DISPlay FPANel Example SYST DISP FPAN ON SYST DISP FPAN Remote Command Notes FSP...

Страница 160: ... the analyzer s internal clock The sequence of entry is hour minute second Remote Command SYSTem ERRor NEXT Example SYST ERR Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Remote Command SYSTem ERRor LIST Example SYST ERR LIST Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Remote Command SYSTem ERRor CLEar ALL Example MMEM CLE ALL Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Remote Command SYSTem PRESet Example SYST PRES Remote Command Notes FS...

Страница 161: ...ite length block with a header describing the data to follow The query reads the specified trace data from the analyzer to the control computer TRACe IQ Subsystem This subsystem includes commands for handling measured I Q data TRACe 1 2 IQ DATA This query causes a measurement to be performed then returns a list of measurement results The results are corrected for frequency response before being re...

Страница 162: ...e 1 IQ DATA Example TRAC IQ DATA Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Remote Command TRACe 1 IQ SET filter type rbw sample rate trigger source trigger slope pretrigger samples of samples Example TRAC IQ SET NORM 10MHz 32MHz EXT POS 0 2048 TRAC IQ SET NORM 1MHz 4MHz EXT POS 1024 512 Remote Command Notes FSP FSU Remote Command TRACe 1 IQ SRATe freq TRACe 1 IQ SRATe Example TRAC IQ SRAT 4MHZ TRAC IQ SRAT Rem...

Страница 163: ... command is accepted but takes no action and reports no error TRIGger 1 2 SEQuence LEVel RFPower Sets the RF power trigger level Preset OFF State Saved Saved in instrument state Remote Command TRIGger 1 SEQuence SOURce IMMediate EXTernal VIDeo IFPower RFPower TV AF FM AM PM TRIGger 1 SEQuence SOURce Example TRIG SOUR EXT Remote Command Notes Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset IMMediate Range ...

Страница 164: ...otes FSP Preset 20dBm State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 200dBm Max 100dBm Remote Command TRIGger 1 SEQuence LEVel VIDeo real TRIGger 1 SEQuence LEVel VIDeo Example TRIG LEV VID 40 TRIG LEV VID Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset 50 State Saved Saved in instrument state Min 0 Max 100 Remote Command TRIGger 1 SEQuence HOLDoff time TRIGger 1 SEQuence HOLDoff Example TRIG HOLD 100ms Remote...

Страница 165: slope setting applies to all trigger sources Remote Command TRIGger 1 SEQuence SLOPe POSitive NEGative TRIGger 1 SEQuence SLOPe Example TRIG SLOP NEG Remote Command Notes FSE FSP FSU Preset POSitive State Saved Saved in instrument state Range POSitive NEGative This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user guide html ...

Страница 166: ...165 4 A Brief Introduction to the SCPI Language This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user guide html ...

Страница 167: ... Standard 488 2 2004 IEEE Standard Codes Formats Protocols and Comment Commands for Use with ANSI IEEE Std 488 1 1987 New York NY 1998 SCPI Language Basics SCPI is an ASCII based instrument command language designed for test and measurement instruments with the goal of reducing automatic test equipment ATE program development time SCPI accomplishes this goal by providing a consistent programming e...

Страница 168: ... not case sensitive so fREquEncy is just as valid as FREQUENCY but FREQ and FREQUENCY are the only valid forms of the FREQuency command and FREQU is not a valid form For example Sens Freq Star 1 5 mhz is the same as SENSE FREQUENCY START 1 5 MHZ In this documentation upper case letters indicate the short form of the keyword The lower case letters indicate the long form of the keyword Punctuation A...

Страница 169: not case sensitive and there are often many different ways of writing a particular command These are examples of valid commands for a given command syntax Command Syntax Sample Valid Commands SENSe BANDwidth RESolution freq The following sample commands are all identical They all cause the same result Sense Band Res 1700 BANDWIDTH RESOLUTION 1 7e3 sens band 1 7KHZ SENS band 1 7E3Hz band 1 7kHz ...

Страница 170: ...ssible command choice A vertical stroke between keywords indicates identical effects exist for both keywords The command functions the same for either keyword Only one of these keywords is used at a time Command SENSe BANDwidth BWIDth OFFSet Two identical commands are Ex1 SENSE BWIDTH OFFSET Ex2 SENSE BAND OFFSET keywords in square brackets are optional when composing the command These implied key...

Страница 171: ... units are defined in the command description The following keywords may also be used in commands but not all commands allow keyword variables DEFault resets the parameter to its default value UP increments the parameter DOWN decrements the parameter MINimum sets the parameter to the smallest possible value MAXimum sets the parameter to the largest possible value The numeric value for the function...

Страница 172: ... current Is a rational number followed by optional units The default units are Amperes Acceptable units include A mA A nA freq bandwidth Is a positive rational number followed by optional units The default unit is Hertz Acceptable units include Hz kHz MHz GHz integer is an integer value with no units percent Is a rational number between 0 and 100 You can either use no units or use PCT power Is a r...

Страница 173: ... the header Divide this number of bytes by your current data format bytes data point either 8 for real 64 or 4 for real 32 For this example if you re using real64 then there are 1540 points in the block Putting Multiple Commands on the Same Line Multiple commands can be written on the same line reducing your code space requirement To do this Commands must be separated with a semicolon If the comma...

Страница 174: ...NSE subsystem as FREQ but executing the FREQ command puts you back at the SENSE level You must specify POW to get to the MIX RANG command FREQ STAR 30MHz POW MIX RANG 20dBm FREQ STAR 30MHz POW MIX RANG 20dBm MIX and RANG require a colon to separate them POW ATT 40dB TRIG FREQ STAR 2 3GHz POW ATT 40dB FREQ STAR 2 3GHz FREQ STAR is in the SENSE subsystem not the TRIGGER subsystem POW ATT FREQ STAR P...

Страница 175: ...174 A Brief Introduction to the SCPI Language Overview This Manual http www manuallib com agilent n9062a signal analyzer user guide html ...
