Document: V1.2 / Document No.: 6AGA000008-0629-EN | Date: 06-30-2022 Page
5.15. Pantograph
Make sure that personnel cannot be falling from the platform when
working at height.
Remove the ty-raps that secure the cables to the Pantograph from the
cable hooks located near the Pantograph. Check whether the cables are
stuck anywhere or can catch on something before the Pantograph is
shifted. While shifting the pantograph, keep in mind that cables will not
be damaged.
Tools: mobile elevated work platform, measuring tool, level tool, torx screwdriver (size
2163TX-T30), spanner (size 19), allen key (size 6), cutter.
Instruction for pantograph adjustment and alignment
The pole has been designed for a pass thru (distance from the contacts rails of the retracted
pantograph to the top of the road) of 179.92 +/- 2 inch and a bus rails high of 131.89 +/- 5.9
Inch. Otherwise there are chances the pole do not comply with local traffic regulations or the
pantograph can work out of its linear zone.
The pole is delivered with the pantograph at its maximum reach (end of the horizontal section).
After the pole has been erected, the pantograph has to be positioned where it be needed for
an effective operation.
Information required to preposition the pantograph during the installation process:
Distance in millimeters between the contact points of the pantograph and top of road
in retracted state;
Road inclination (perpendicular to the bus drive direction) = ……. (Positive if right of
the bus driver is lower);
Tilting or kneeling of the bus (if applicable): ……. (Positive if right side of the bus, from
driver’s perspective goes down);
Distance in millimeters from the curb to the front cover of the pole;
Regarding to which side of the bus the pole has been erected, introduce the gathered
information to the related table to obtain the distance in millimeters the pantograph
need to be moved inwards.
Use the tables below to select, based on the required information above, the right adjustment
values for the pantograph.