Emax DC
Doc. No.
Page No.
Checks and remedies
Check and insert connector XO correctly
Replace the YO1 shunt opening release
Put the circuit-breaker out of service and check the release
with the test apparatus
Take action according to the cause: in particular, if contact wear
is higher than 80% (WARNING led lit up), the circuit-breaker can
remain in service, but replacement of the circuit-breaking parts
must be scheduled within a short time. If contact wear reaches
100%, the circuit-breaker must be put out of service immediately.
Ask ABB SACE about replacement procedures for the circuit-
breaking parts
Press the mechanical pushbutton for signalling protection tripping
Check the state of the contacts in series with the release circuit
Measure the voltage: it must not be less than 85% of the rated
Check the rating plate voltage of the releases
Check connections, fuses, interlocks, protection circuit-breakers
and consent contacts
Check tightness of the screws connecting the wires
Check the connections with the corresponding circuit diagram
Replace the coils
Operate by hand. If the fault persists contact ABB SACE
Insert and turn the key
Complete the operation
Check the corresponding power supply circuit
Check the power supply circuit
See paragraph 7.3
Possible causes
Connector XO not inserted correctly
Coil of the opening release YO1 interrupted
Defect in the electronic circuits of the microprocessor
The possible causes of tripping are listed in the part of the
manual relating to the releases
Protections not reset
Operating mechanism or consent contacts blocked in closing
Auxiliary circuit power supply voltage too low
Different power supply voltage from the one indicated on the
rating plate of the releases
Operating circuit faulty
Wire tightening screws loose
Incorrect electrical connections in the power supply circuit
Release coils interrupted
Operating mechanism blocked
Key not inserted in the opening mechanism lock
Circuit-breaker in intermediate position between connected
and disconnected
Undervoltage release not energized
Shunt opening release remains energized
Racking-in or out operation not carried out correctly
Pressing the i-Test pushbutton on the PR122/PR123 does not cause circuit-breaker opening
The WARNING or ALARM led on the PR122/PR123 release lights up
Release coils interrupted or burnt out, geared motor winding interrupted
The shunt opening release or shunt closing release does not energize sufficiently
The shunt opening release or shunt closing release remains energized
The moving part does not rack into the fixed part
The moving part does not rack out of the fixed part
The circuit-breaker does not close
The circuit-breaker does not open
Measures to be taken for any operating anomalies
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