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AFMNA0AA – EPS-BLI HYG – User Manual
11.3 Fault exclusions
11.3.1 Mechanical mounting of the magnet for the steered wheel sensor
According EN1175 and ISO13849, a case of fault exclusion must be applied to
the mechanical assembling of system composed by the magnet at the top of
the steered wheel and its absolute sensor counterpart at the top of the cover.
The angular and vertical relative positioning of these part is fixed and, in case
they turn loosened or wrong positioned, the actual and measured position of
the steered wheel will be unmatched at key-on with no capability of detection
by the controller. So a decision on the related risk must be taken and, in case
it will be considered a safety relevant issue, a fault exclusion case should be
applied to this failure mode and Zapi will be called to supply detailed
justification to the lift trucks manufacturer to be annexed to the system
documentation (see ISO13849-1 topic 7).
11.4 Safety relevant parameters
Many of the parameters used in this application are safety relevant. Despite of
that, it is a common practice the final lift truck manufacturer has its own tool
for setting the parameters on its demand on the field. This handling is Safety
Relevant and, for fulfilling with ISO13849, this set-up tool should be designed
according the PLd and Category #3 requirements. Besides only skill and well
trained technicians are allowed to change these safety relevant parameters.
1) Zapi is available for supporting the lift truck manufacturer to list the safety
relevant parameters.
2) Zapi is also available for limiting the rights to change these safety relevant
parameters on the user demand.
3) Zapi is not responsible if, whatever is the reason, a safety relevant
parameter will be improperly changed by the user.
11.5 Safety relevant notes
The recommendations of this manual highlighted with an attention box like
this one, are safety relevant and so the user is recommended to accurately
read and take care of these paragraphs and notes and ask for the Zapi support
in case something is not clear.