FORM 100.50-NOM1 (604)
Menu Navigation and Display Description
*** SERVICE ***
Modes Enable
Cooling = YES
Heating = NO
*** SERVICE ***
Sys X Safety Chain
Status = Tripped
*** SERVICE ***
Balancer Calculated
ow = 9000 cfm
SAT Setpt indicates the current SAT (supply air
temperature) setpoint that the economizer will try to
main tain when outside air conditions are suitable for
free cooling/economizer operation.
Display shows which mode of operation the unit is in.
Line 2 Modes Enabled
Line 3 Cooling = NO (YES)
Line 4 Heating = NO (YES)
This display shows the status of the “com pres sor safe ty
chain” which consists of a low-pressure switch, high-
pressure switch, and com pres sor overload for each
re frig er ant circuit. If any of the safeties are opened,
the display will show the respective system and display
as follows:
Line 2 Sys X Safety Chain (1,2,3)
Line 3 Status = Tripped (NORMAL)
Line 4 (Blank)
This display shows the entry made by the Air Balancer
if a man u al air balance is done.
Line 2 AMS #1
Line 3 Balancer Calculated
Line 4 Air
ow= XXXXX cfm
The Line 4 value is entered as the result of an air
balancer’s mea sure ment of the unit air
ow. A default
value of “1” will be shown whether or not this function
is used. Editing the value requires the entry of a pass-
word of the appropriate level. This function is de scribed
under Units Se quence and Operation and PA RAM E TER
*** SERVICE ***
Economizer Activity
Active = NO
SAT Setpt = 60°F
This display indicates whether the economizer (if
ap pli ca ble) is ac tive, as com pared to the setpoint pro-
grammed un der the Out side Air Enthalpy setpoint un der
the “Set point” key.
Line 2 Economizer Activity
Line 3 Active = NO (YES)
Line 4 SAT Setpt = XX°F
• Active = NO: Economizer installed, enabled and
conditions are not suit able
No Economizer installed
• Active = YES: Economizer installed, enabled and
conditions are suit able