FORM 100.50-NOM1 (604)
Parameter Description and Options
Min Outside Airfl ow
This setting is the Air
ow Setpoint that the Outside air
damper will be controlled to maintain. This setting is
analogous to the Economizer Minimum Position set-
ting described earlier. The only difference is that the
Out side air damper will be dynamically controlled to
main tain this air
ow setting instead of
xed to a mini-
mum position. This option can only be used if an air
measuring station is installed.
Fxsys MSAT
The Mixed Supply Air Temperature Setpoint is the
set point for the temperature of the supply air leav ing
the FlexSys con
gured rooftop unit.
FlexSys Min Dewpt Diff
The (FlexSys) Min Dewpt Diff setpoint will be to de-
ter mine if the Evaporator Discharge Air Tem per a ture
Setpoint should be reset between the VAV Cool High
Temp and VAV Cool Low Temp Setpoints.
These setpoints are user setpoints that are intended to
be programmed in the
English is all that is available.
Measurement Units
The units and values displayed for numeric param-
eters will be selectable as US Imperial units (Impe-
rial), SI Canada units (SI Canada) or SI units (SI).
SI Canada and SI are the same conversions except
for air
Space Sensor Enable
If this option is turned ON, it means that a Space
(tem per a ture) Sensor is installed and is used by ap-
propriate control algorithms except when:
• Conditions are speci
ed that override Space
Sen sor use, or
• The Space Sensor fails.
• If the Space Sensor fails, the control will use
the RAT sensor as a backup if available.
If the sensor is not connected, or fails, a fault will
be set. The fault can be turned off by turning off
this op tion.
If the option is set to OFF and a sensor is con-
nected, the system will use the sensor input but
will not indicate a failure if the sensor becomes
Unocc Over ride Time
The value programmed here will determine how long
the unit will operate in the Unoccupied Override mode
after the Unoccupied Override button is pressed on
the Space Sensor.
Space Setpt Offset
The Space Temperature Setpoint Offset is the +/- val ue
the control will use to offset the Space Temperature
Setpoint when the slidebar on some versions of the
Space Sensor products is used. For example, if the
Space Tem per a ture Setpoint Offset value is set to 3°F,
shifting the slidebar all the way in minus direction will
decrease the Space Temperature Setpoint by 3°F and
shifting it all the way in plus direction will increase
the Space Set point by 3°F.
Fan ON With Sensor (Constant Volume Mode)
When this option is turned ON, the Supply Fan
will con tin ue running when the Space Sensor based
tem per a ture control is satis
ed and control is in the
Occupied Mode.
RAT Sensor Enable
If this option is turned ON, it means that the RAT
sen sor will be used by appropriate control algorithms.
If the sensor is not connected, or fails, a fault will be
set. The fault can be turned off by turning off this
If the sensor is installed and this function is set to
OFF, the unit will use the sensor but will not indicate
a failure if the sensor becomes inoperative.