FORM 100.50-NOM1 (604)
Parameter Description and Options
This adjustment ratio will be used for
all AMS options, Full, ¼ - ¾ (¼ sta-
tion), and Minimum.
AMS #1 Balancer Calculated Airfl ow
This parameter is the value of air
ow resulting from
the Balancers measurements and calculations for the
Full Face Outdoor Air
ow Station or the ¼ Air
Sta tion. This value is entered by the Balancer.
AMS #1 Controller Measured Air Flow At
Bal ance
This parameter is the air
ow measured by the con-
trol ler at the time the Balancer Calculated Air
ow is
en tered for AMS #1. This value is used to compare the
balancer’s value with the controller measured value.
Airfl ow Measurement Station #2 Parameters (Not
AMS #2 Area (Not Used)
AMS #2 K-Factor (Not Used)
AMS #2 Balancer Calculated Airfl ow (Not Used)
AMS #2 Controller Measured Air Flow At Balance
(Not Used)
Duct Sensor Hi Limit
The Duct Sensor High Limit is used to select the upper
limit of operation for the duct static. This selection
will be either 5.0 inwg for 2.50 inwg, depending on
duct pressure transducer employed. If the duct static
pressure exceeds this value the unit will shut down
and give an alarm.
Evaporator damper installed
All Flexys units have a damper installed on the top
evaporator coil. This parameter needs to be set to
YES for Flexys units. The parameter is also used to
determine the compressor staging sequence. On all
style "C" units this parameter needs to be set to YES,
even when a face damper is not installed.
These parameters are normally view-only, but can
be accessed by service personnel to make chang es to
run-timers, such as would be the case if a compressor
or fan motor was replaced.
Sys X Comp Runtimes
The compressor runtimes should never be changed,
even when the compressor is changed out. The control
uses the compressor runtimes to control the staging
of the compressors. If this value is changed to 0, it
will always become the
rst compressor on. This
number should be updated during a Primary Unit
Control board change out if the hours from the old
control are available.
There are entries for each compressor. Each system (X:
1-3) is displayed with the value selected and entered
for a compressor in the system (A or B).
Sys X Comp Starts
The number of compressor starts are changed only
when a compressor is replaced. This entry would be 0
for a new compressor. If the compressor is previously
used, this value is the no. of starts on the compressor
if known.
There are entries for each compressor. Each system (X:
1-3) is displayed with the value selected and entered
for a compressor in the system (Y:A or B).
Supply/Exhaust Fan Runtimes
The Supply and/or Exhaust Fan runtimes can be
changed to zero when a fan is replaced but cannot be
set to a speci
c value.
For this explanation, all changeable parameters will
be referred to as “setpoints”. This includes those pa-
ram e ters that are changeable listed under function group
The “setpoints” are listed in Table 21 and show the units
of measure, default values, value ranges, and which key
the “setpoint” is located under.