The CPU has an integrated power supply.
The power supply has to be provided with DC 24V. For this serves the double DC 24V
slot, that is underneath the flap.
Via the power supply not only the internal electronic is provided with voltage, but by
means of the backplane bus also the connected modules.
The power supply is protected against polarity inversion and overcurrent.
The internal electronic is galvanically connected with the supply voltage.
Each SPEED-Bus rail has a slot for an external power supply. This allows
you to raise the maximum current at the back plane bus. The deployment
of this external power supply at the CPU 314-6CF23 is not permitted!
9pin SubD jack:
The MPI interface serves for the connection between programming unit and CPU.
By means of this the project engineering and programming happens.
MPI serves for communication between several CPUs or between HMIs and CPU.
Standard setting is MPI Address 2.
8pin RJ45 jack:
The RJ45 jack serves the interface to the Ethernet PG/OP channel.
This interface allows you to program res. remote control your CPU, to access the
internal web site or to connect a visualization.
Configurable connections are not possible.
For online access to the CPU via Ethernet PG/OP channel valid IP address parame-
ters have to be assigned to this.
9pin SubD jack:
The CPU has a PROFIBUS/PtP interface with a fix pinout. After an overall reset the inter-
face is deactivated. By appropriate configuration, the following functions for this interface
may be enabled:
PROFIBUS DP master operation
Configuration via PROFIBUS sub module X1 (MPI/DP) with
‘Operation mode’
master in the hardware configuration.
PROFIBUS DP slave operation
Configuration via PROFIBUS sub module X1 (MPI/DP) with
‘Operation mode’
slave in the hardware configuration.
PtP functionality
Using the PtP functionality the RS485 interface is allowed to connect via serial
point-to-point connection to different source res. target systems.
Here the following protocols are supported: ASCII, STX/ETX, 3964R, USS and
Modbus-Master (ASCII, RTU).
The activation of the PtP functionality happens by embedding the
SPEEDBUS.GSD from VIPA in the hardware catalog. After the installation the
CPU may be configured in a PROFIBUS master system and here the interface
may be switched to PtP communication.
X1: Power supply
X2: MPI interface
X5: Ethernet PG/OP
X3: PROFIBUS/PtP inter-
face with configurable
VIPA System 300S
Hardware description
Structure > Interfaces
HB140 | CPU | 314-6CF23 | en | 19-01