Event ID
Inconsistency of code sizes and block sizes in the working memory
ZINFO1: Code size
ZINFO2: Block size (high word)
ZINFO3: Block size (low word)
Additional information for CRC error in the working memory
ZINFO2: Block address (high word)
ZINFO3: Block address (low word)
Internal error - Please contact the hotline!
ZINFO1: Cause for MemDump
0: Unknown
1: Manual request
2: Invalid OP value
3: CRC code error
4: Processor exception
5: Processor exception with dump after reboot
6: Block-CRC error
Multiple configuration of a periphery address for Ethernet PG/OP channel
ZINFO1: Periphery address
ZINFO3: 0: periphery address is input, 1: periphery address is output
Too many productive connections configured
ZINFO1: Interface slot
ZINFO2: Number of configured connections
ZINFO3: Number of admissible connections
On-board PROFIBUS/MPI: Bus error removed
PK: Not user relevant
ZINFO1: Interface
ZINFO2: Not user relevant
ZINFO3: Not user relevant
DatID: Not user relevant
Internal error - Please contact the hotline!
ZINFO1: Not user relevant
ZINFO2: Not user relevant
ZINFO3: Not user relevant
DatID: Not user relevant
Internal error - Please contact the hotline!
PK: Not user relevant
ZINFO1: Master system ID
ZINFO2: Slave address
VIPA System 300S
System specific event IDs
HB140 | CPU | 314-6CF23 | en | 19-01