Short description: The short description of the Siemens CPU is CPU 317-2DP (6ES7
317-2AK14-0AB0 V3.3).
Order No. / Firmware: Order number and firmware are identical to the details in the
"hardware catalog" window.
Name: The Name field provides the short description of the CPU. If you change the
name the new name appears in the Siemens SIMATIC Manager.
Plant designation: Here is the possibility to specify a plant designation for the CPU.
This plant designation identifies parts of the plant according to their function. Its struc-
ture is hierarchic according to IEC 1346-1.
Comment: In this field information about the module may be entered.
Startup when expected/actual configuration differs: If the checkbox for
‘Startup when
expected/actual configuration differ’
is deselected and at least one module is not
located at its configured slot or if another type of module is inserted there instead,
then the CPU does not switch to RUN mode and remains in STOP mode. If the
checkbox for
‘Startup when expected/actual configuration differ’
is selected, then the
CPU starts even if there are modules not located in their configured slots of if another
type of module is inserted there instead, such as during an initial system start-up.
Monitoring time for ready message by modules [100ms]: This operation specifies the
maximum time for the ready message of every configured module after PowerON.
Here connected PROFIBUS DP slaves are also considered until they are parameter-
ized. If the modules do not send a ready message to the CPU by the time the moni-
toring time has expired, the actual configuration becomes unequal to the preset con-
figuration. Monitoring time for ready message by modules [100ms]
Transfer of parameters to modules [100ms]: The maximum time for the transfer of
parameters to parameterizable modules. If not every module has been assigned
parameters by the time this monitoring time has expired; the actual configuration
becomes unequal to the preset configuration.
Update OB1 process image cyclically: This parameter is not relevant.
Scan cycle monitoring time: Here the scan cycle monitoring time in milliseconds may
be set. If the scan cycle time exceeds the scan cycle monitoring time, the CPU enters
the STOP mode.
Possible reasons for exceeding the time are:
Communication processes
a series of interrupt events
an error in the CPU program
Minimum scan cycle time: This parameter is not relevant.
Scan cycle load from Communication: This parameter is not relevant.
Size of the process image input/output area: Here the size of the process image max.
2048 for the input/output periphery may be fixed.
OB85 call up at I/O access error: The preset reaction of the CPU may be changed to
an I/O access error that occurs during the update of the process image by the
system. The VIPA CPU is preset such that OB 85 is not called if an I/O access error
occurs and no entry is made in the diagnostic buffer either.
Clock memory: Activate the check box if you want to use clock memory and enter the
number of the memory byte.
The selected memory byte cannot be used for temporary data storage.
Cycle/Clock memory
VIPA System 300S
Deployment CPU 314-6CF23
Setting standard CPU parameters > Parameters CPU
HB140 | CPU | 314-6CF23 | en | 19-01