MU128 Plug-in System
PLG100-VH (Vocal Harmony Plug-in Board)
This Plug-in board equips the MU128 with an automatic “harmonizer,”
letting you instantly and easily apply one-, two- or three-part harmo-
nies to a vocal signal (via a microphone connected to the A/D Inputs).
Four different types of Harmony effects are available: Vocoder, Chordal,
Detune, and Chromatic. With the Vocoder type, you can “play” the
harmony from a connected keyboard, while Chordal lets you control
the harmony parts with chord data (from a keyboard or sequencer).
Other unique and dynamic effects include natural chorusing, switch-
ing between male and female voices, and changing the sonic charac-
teristics of the vocal sound.
PLG100-DX (Advanced DX/TX Plug-in Board)
This XG Plug-in board lets you add vintage FM synthesis Voices to
the MU128. The PLG100-DX features the same synthesis engine as
the famous Yamaha DX7, with six operators and thirty-two algorithms,
and provides a total of 912 stunning preset FM Voices with all their
crystalline clarity and pristine punch.
About Plug-in System