Scan is selected and the manipulated image is scanned and
imported into TextBridge.
TextBridge Pro
For use in the Windows 3.x environment, TextBridge is an Optical
Character Recognition (OCR) application that can be used to
convert text on a scanned page to editable text in various different
formats. Using TextBridge, virtually any printed document can
be converted from paper to electronic format quickly and easily.
For example, if you had a typed report that was available only as
hard copy, but needed to be changed, you could use the Work
Centre 480cx to scan the pages of the report. The features of
TextBridge Pro would then be applied to the scanned image and
each character of text would be converted to an editable format.
After conversion, additional information could be added to the
document, or deleted from it.
Scanning With the WorkCentre 480cx
In this part of the User Guide, the steps required to scan using
various applications will be briefly described. These examples are
intended to describe the quickest steps to scan a simple document.
If more detailed scanning instructions are required, refer to the
feature descriptions of the WorkCentre 480cx TWAIN Scanner
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