The LaserFAX Phonebook
The LaserFax application has a phonebook that can be used to
enter up to 20 entries. These entries can then be selected from the
phonebook, or can be specified by using a key name. For
frequently used numbers, this feature saves time and effort.
In the LaserFAX application, select the Display, Phonebook
menu item or click on the Phonebook icon in the toolbar to view
your entries.
Adding Entries to the Phonebook
Display the phonebook and click on the Add button or press the
INS (Insert) key on your keyboard to add a new entry. You must
specify a unique key name which can then be typed for LaserFAX
to look up the fax number in your phonebook. The phonebook
provides the ability to add a description and a fax number for each
entry as well as a telephone number and comments.
Any entry in the phonebook can be edited by double clicking it.
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