True Color, RGB
In this scan mode, your scanner captures 24 bits of color image
information for every dot (pixel) in your resulting scanned image.
Therefore over 16 million colors are possible.
RGB simply stands for Red-Green-Blue; these being the additive
primary colors. Additive refers to the addition, or mixing, of light
of different colors. For example, mixing equal proportions of fully
saturated red, green, and blue light produces white light.
Excellent color details can be obtained using this scan mode, but
be aware that True Color images require considerable disk space
to save them. For instance, an A4-size (8.5" x 11") 300-dpi True
Color image may require 24 megabytes of storage space
Additionally, a high color or true color graphics card is required to
adequately display the color information.
256 Colors
Images scanned in 256 Colors mode are scanned in a maximum of
256 colors. The quality is not as high as True Color, RGB, but it is
acceptable for most applications. File sizes are considerably
smaller than those of True Color, RGB. An A4-size 300-dpi 256
Color image may require 8 megabytes of storage space
(uncompressed). Photographs may be successfully scanned in 256
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