CleanFire Owners Manual
All fuels must conform to certain quality standards to ensure trouble free operation of the boiler. Use of
unapproved fuels may result in faulty operation and a voided warranty. DANGER: Risk of Fire for Explosion;
NEVER use the following: trash, household garbage, plastics, gasoline, rubber, naphtha, leaves, and materi
als treated with petroleum products (ie: particleboard, railroad ties & pressure treated wood). Newspaper
and plain, unprinted cardboard should only be used as kindling, not as fuel. Other paper products should
not be used. Please contact your WoodMaster dealer for any questions on fuel use.
Only cut, split, seasoned wood with a internal moisture content of 25% or less may be used. Wood can be cut
to a maximum length of 22.5 inches. The wood should always be placed parallel to the fire chamber wall. The
pieces of wood should be stacked as tightly as possible whereby the face of the wood should NOT touch the
fire chamber wall. This ensures proper air flow. DO NOT burn any large, round pieces of wood. DO NOT burn
any “green wood”, or any wood that is above the 25% moisture limit.
Water Content
The maximum permitted water content is 25%.
Bark Content
The maximum permitted bark content is 20%.
A full wood load is considered to be 10 pounds per cubic foot of fire chamber volume. For the WoodMaster
CleanFire 400 a full load is 125 pounds. This is sufficient for a minimum of 8 hours depending on the heat load.
Always store your wood stacked in neat piles, and protect from rain and snow. Store your wood outisde of the
boiler clearances.
Note: The amount of wood needed to heat your system will vary depending on a lot of
different factors. System design, insulation values and type of wood are a few of the con-
tributing factors that will determine how much wood is needed.