CleanFire Owners Manual
Various burn rates along with various wood species and moisture content will affect efficiency and heat output
ratings. Test results were obtained using seasoned oak. A high burn rate will yield a more efficient result. Delivered
efficiency ranges from 64.8% to 73% using higher heating value. Delivered efficiency is calculated assuming year
round use and annual fuel usage efficiency (AFUE).
Installation location (Indoor vs Outdoor, distance from building served), waterline type, length and insulation will
affect the system delivered efficiency.
Visit the EPA Burnwise website, http://www.epa.gov/burnwise/index.html for information on wood fuel fired appli-
ances, as well as a list of approved appliances. Legal name of original manufacturer:
Northwest Manufacturing, Inc.
600 Polk Ave SW
Red Lake Falls, MN 56750
800-932-3629 / www.woodmaster.com
Certified to comply with 2020 particulate
emission standards using cord wood.
Date Code:_____________________
CleanFire 400
.07 Lb/MMBTU emissions tested to
EPA Method 28 WHH 2016 Crib Wood
Serial #_____________
This Wood heater needs peri-
odic inspection and repair for
proper operation. Consult the
owner’s manual for further
information. It is against
federal regulations to operate
this wood heater in a manner
inconsistent with the opera-
tion instruction in the owner’s
Northwest Manufacturing, Inc.
600 Polk Ave SW
Red Lake Falls, MN 56750