6. Operation and fault handling
– TW-31-E - V1.9 - 06.04.2021
Page 37
to section 6.5: Listing fault memory and description
6.5.2 Informative tank monitor alarms (green)
F17 Cooling not activated after “first milk comes into the tank” time 1
After detection “first milk comes into the tank” the compressor start was
not detected after expiration of the time [h17]. See also section 8.2.
F18 Cooling not activated after “first milk comes into the tank” time 2
Same as F17, however, after expiration of time [h18]. See section 8.2.
F19 Cooling not activated after “first milk comes into the tank” time 3
Same as F17, however, after expiration of time [h19]. See section 8.2.
F20 Cooling time exceeded for first milking
Alarm is triggered if the temperature set in parameter [h20] is not reached
within the time set in parameter [h21].
The time starts when cooling of the first milking starts.
F21 Cooling time exceeded
Alarm is activated if after detection “first milk comes into the tank” the tem-
perature [H21] has not been achieved within the corresponding time
F22 Forgotten to switch on the cooling
At the milking time [h41-h43] entered, the cooling was not switched on.
F23 Milk temperature too high for too long
Same as for faults F1 - F3.
Here a shorter time interval can be entered to warn the farmer ahead of
Setting in parameter [h23 / h24]
F25 Excess temperature directly
When cooling starts, this alarm remains inactive until the milk temperature
falls below the temperature set in [h20] for the first time. It is at this point
that milk temperature monitoring starts. If the milk temperature subse-
quently exceeds the temperature set in [h25], the alarm is triggered.
F27 Milk temperature too low for too long
The alarm is triggered if the milk temperature is too low [h27] for too long
[h28]. The timer starts when the temperature falls below [h27] and stops
again when the temperature exceeds [h27]. The timer restarts each time
the temperature is exceeded.
F29 Low temperature directly
The alarm is triggered as soon as the milk temperature falls below the
temperature set in [h29]. (Ice protection)
F30 Power cut directly
The alarm can function only if the optional power pack is installed. Re-
gardless of the operating mode the alarm is triggered in the event of a
power cut.