7. Setting of parameters
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– TW-31-E - V1.9 - 06.04.2021
Level “Hardware configuration” (A- parameters)
The assignment of the input and output functions to the relays or digital inputs is
defined in the A-parameters [A1 to A32].
The parameterization of this configuration is set by the factory, i.e. no changes are
normally necessary.
If required an adjustment can be made in individual cases.
Assignment of the output relays:
In [A1 to A3] the necessary functions to the output relays K1 to K3 are assigned.
Assignment of the digital inputs:
In [A21 to A32] the input functions to the digital inputs DE1 to DE12 are assigned.
Switch to level
“Hardware configuration”
see section 7.2
A parameters
Code: A384
Working level
General tank monitor parameter
Code: 4711
Extended tank monitor parameter
Code: F94A
Alarm configuration
Code: FFFF
Hardware configuration
Code: A384
Sensor adjustment
Code: C212
Service parameter
Code: EA03
I/O test parameter
Code: 10E5