Summit & Summit 800
Feature Description and Operation Manual
Issue 1.2
2.77.3 Web Administration
The system database is accessed and modified via an iPECS IP or LDP Phone, the LAN
interface or MODU. Both the LAN and MODU access the system’s Web server, which delivers
the database as a set of Web pages to the user’s Web browser. Under the proper conditions,
both also allow for remote access to the system database.
For remote access with the LAN interface, the system must be assigned a remotely accessible IP
address. The IP address should be fixed either as a public IP address or through a NAPT server
with port forwarding. The browser should be pointed to the system's IP address and the TCP port
assigned in the system database.
For the MODU, a PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) connection can be established between a
standard modem and the MODU board. The system negotiates access using 2 User Ids and
matching passwords assigned in the database. In addition, for DID access the Called Party
number must match the assigned system PPP destination. Once a connection is established over
the MODU, the user’s Web browser can be opened and pointed to the system’s IP address and
assigned port for access to the database.
When accessed, the system will deliver the iPECS Admin and Maintenance Web page. From this
page, selecting Admin & Maintenance will return the login page where the user must enter a
password that matches an assigned password. Based on the password entered, the user is
permitted access to specified system program codes.
For detailed information on database administration and maintenance, refer to the
Administration & Programming Manual
Operation is detailed in the Summit
Administration and Programming Manual.
1. For Web Admin, the password can be encrypted using the Ericsson-LG Enterprise
Java Virtual Encryption plug-in. A Java Virtual Machine (MS or Sun) must be installed
in the user’s PC to support password encryption.
2. If Web admin login fails five consecutive (5) times within 1-minute, then login is blocked
for a ten (10) minute period and a “blocked access” log is stored in Http Admin Log.
Keyset Admin.
System IP Address Plan (PGM Code 102)
Web Server TCP Port (PGM 161-Button 14)
WEB Password Encryption (PGM 161-Button 15)
Admin Access Authority (Web only)