Page 83, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\SKIPOM.fm RHD, Vaux Edition 9.3.05
To renew blade, lift wiper arm, move
release lever and deta ch wiper blade.
Windscreen wash system
Fill only with clean water to prev ent the
nozz les from clogging. To im prov e
cleaning efficienc y, w e recommend tha t
you add a little Vauxhall Cleaning Solvent
and Anti-freeze.
To prevent the windscreen wash system
freezing in winter:
When closing the container, press the lid
firmly over the beaded ed ge.
The battery is m aintenance-free.
Ignition system
down to
Mixture - Vauxhall
Windscreen Wash
Solvent : Wa ter
- 5 °C
1 : 3
- 10 °C
1 : 2
- 20 °C
1 : 1
- 30 °C
2 : 1
Electronic ignition systems use a v ery
hig h voltage. Do not touch the ignition
system, da ng er to life.