Page 22, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\SKIPOM.fm RHD, Vaux Edition 9.3.05
Keys, doors, bonnet
Replacement keys
The key is a c onstituent of the electronic
immobiliser. Ordering keys froma Vauxhall
Ap prov ed Dealer guarantees fault-free
op eration of the electronic immobiliser.
This will av oid unnecessa ry costs and
difficulties when claiming from insurance
companies and p roblems when a sserting
warranty claims.
Door locking and unlocking
From outsid e
Mechanically - p age 4,
radio remote control - pa ge 24.
Push the lock button and pull the outside
handle, or pull the inside lever to open the
front door.
Central door locking
- see page 26.