Page 54, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\SKIPOM.fm RHD, Vaux Edition 9.3.05
Trend-setting technology
When dev eloping and manufac turing your
vehic le, Vauxhallused environm ent-
friendly and in the m ain recyc la ble
materials. The production methods used to
mak e your v ehicle are likewise
env ironmenta lly compatible.
Recycling of production wastes keeps the
circulation of material closed. Reduction of
energy a nd water requirements a lso help s
to conserve natural resources.
A highly advanced design m eans that your
vehicle can be ea sily disassemb led at the
end of its working life, and the indiv id ua l
materials sep arated for subsequent re-use.
Materials such as a sbestos and ca dmium
are not used.
New painting techniques employ wa ter as
a solv ent.
The pollutants contained in exhaust gas
are reduced.
As a Vauxhall driver, you can mak e a
major contribution to protecting the
Sa ve fuel when driving. The previous
section, entitled "Saving fuel", gives you
numerous useful hints on this.
Be conscious of the env ironment when
driving. The follow ing section gives you
some further v alua ble hints in this
reg ard.
Environm ent-conscious driving
High noise lev els and exhaust emissions
are often a result of driving without due
attention to the env ironment.
Reduce the noise level and exhaust
emissions by adopting an env ironment-
conscious d riv ing style. This is extremely
worthwhile and improves the quality of
“Jackrab bit" starts, i.e. screeching of
tyres and high revs, can increase the
noise level up to four times over.
Select the next higher gear as soon as
possible. A vehic le travelling at 30 mph
(50 km /h) in sec ond gea r causes as m uch
noise as three vehicles driven at 30 m ph
(50 km /h) in fourth.
Warming up
Driv ing at full throttle or idling when the
engine is still cold increa ses fuel
consumption, exhaust emissions and
Driv e a way im mediately a fter sta rting.
Engine speed should be moderate until
the eng ine has reached opera ting