Page 51, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\SKIPOM.fm RHD, Vaux Edition 9.3.05
Switching off the engine
If the engine temperature is v ery high, e.g.
after driv ing in mountainous terrain: allow
the engine to idle for approxim ately tw o
minutes in order to prevent heat
When you switch off, fans may c ontinue
running for a tim e to c ool the engine.
Vehicles w ith engine Z 20 LET
After running at hig h engine speeds or high
engine loa ds, operate the engine briefly at
a low load or run in neutra l for approx.
30 sec onds before switching off in order to
protect the turbocha rger.
Save energy
more miles
Please observe the running-in hints on the
previous pag e and the tips for energ y
saving on the following pages.
Good, technica lly correct and economical
driving ensures ma ximum durability and
performance for your vehic le.
The fuel supply is automatically shut off
during ov errun, e.g. when the vehicle is
being driven down long grad ients or during
braking. To enable the overrun cut-off to
come into ac tion, d o not accelerate or
declutch during overrun.
Vehicles with eng ine Z 20 LET
Flow-generated noises m ay be audible if
the accelerator is released q uick ly on
account of a ir flow in the turbocharger.
Engine rpm
Und er all d riv ing cond itions drive in a
fa vourab le engine speed range.
Warming up
Allow the engine to warm up while driving.
Do not warm it up by letting it run at idling
speed. Do not apply full throttle until the
engine has reached op erating
Correct gear selection
Do not race your engine whilst in neutral or
with a low gea r selected. Driving too fast in
indiv idua l gea rs or drive ranges as w ell as
stop-and-go traffic increa se engine wear
and fuel consum ption.
Change down
When decreasing speed shift down into the
next lowest gear. Do not slip the clutch with
a high-revving eng ine. This is especially
important when hill c lim bing.
Always d epress the c lutch pedal hard to
the floor to p revent shifting difficulties and
transmission damage. There must be no
ma ts in the area of the pedals.
When driving do not use the pedal as a
foot rest; this will cause substantial clutch
Battery care whilst driving
When driving slowly or when the v ehicle is
stationary, e.g. in slow urban traffic, stop-
and-go traffic or traffic jams, turn off all
unnecessary electrical load s w here
possible (auxiliary headlamp s etc.).
When starting the eng ine, depress the
clutch pedal so that transmission
resistance is elimina ted a nd the starter
motor and battery are relieved.
Sales designation, see page 93.
Sales designation, see page 93.