Page 43, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\SKIPOM.fm RHD, Vaux Edition 9.3.05
3. Unscrew the bolt that sec ures the front
dowel brac ket a nd remove the bracket.
4. Repeat this operation for the front dowel
bracket loc ated on the opposite side.
5. Remove the rear cover panel w hich is
reta ined by either a bolt or by Velcro.
6. Repeat this opera tion for the rear cover
panel located on the opposite side.
7. Unscrew the b olt that secures the rear
cup bracket and remove the brac ket.
8. Repeat this operation for the cup
bracket located on the opposite side.
9. With the assistanc e of another person,
lift the hard top clear of the vehicle.
To av oid loss or dama ge, all components
should b e loosely reassem bled to the ha rd
top and the complete a ssem bly placed in
the storage bag
. Disassemble all
components prior to insta lla tion.