Page 62, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\SKIPOM.fm RHD, Vaux Edition 9.3.05
When the ig nition is sw itched on, the ABS
control indica tor illuminates. At the same
time, the system performs a self-check
which may be audible. When the control
indicator goes out the system is ready for
opera tion. If the control indicator does not
go out after a few second s, or if it
illuminates d uring driving, there is a fault in
the ABS. The vehicle's brak e system
rem ains operational without ABS
reg ulation.
You can continue driving, prov ided you
drive with care and anticipation. Consult a
work shop to have the cause of the fault
eliminated . We recommend your Vauxhall
Ap prov ed Repairer.
The wheels will tend to lock in the event
of heav y brak ing if the ABS fa ils. This
may cause the vehicle to swerve. The
benefits of the ABS a re lost.