Page 53, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\SKIPOM.fm RHD, Vaux Edition 9.3.05
Urban traffic
Freq uent driving off and stopping - for
exam ple a t tra ffic lights, in stop-a nd-g o
traffic or traffic queues - greatly
increases average fuel consumption.
Plan carefully to avoid traffic c ongestion.
Good anticip ation a voids unnec essary
If possible, selec t roa ds with a good
traffic flow.
By keeping a safe distance from the
vehicle in front a nd by not la ne-hopping
you will be able to avoid frequent
braking and acceleration, whic h uses up
a lot of fuel.
High speed
The higher the speed the g reater the fuel
consumption. At top speed you consum e
a grea t deal of fuel.
Slightly releasing the accelerator pedal
results in distinct fuel sa ving s w ith no
major loss of speed.
Driv e at no m ore than around three
qua rters of m aximum speed and you will
use up to 50% less fuel, without losing a
great deal of time.
Tyre inflation pressure
Inadequate tyre p ressure, leading to
higher road resistance, costs m oney in
two wa ys: for more fuel and increased
tyre wear.
Regular checks (every 14 d ays) pay off.
Electrical loads
The power consum ption of electrical
equip ment increa ses fuel consumption.
Sw itch off all auxiliary electrical loads
when not needed.
Unnecessary weight increa ses fuel
consump tion, especially when
accelerating (urban traffic). A load of
100 kg can increase fuel consum ption in
urban traffic by up to 0.5 l/100 km .
Reduce the loads you carry.
Repair and maintenance
Improper repairs or adjustm ent and
maintenance work can increase fuel
consumption. Do not carry out w ork on
the eng ine yourself.
We recom mend ha ving repa irs and
maintenance carried out by your
Vauxhall Ap prov ed Repairer.
Extreme driving conditions
Going up steep slopes, driving on poor
roa ds, cornering or winter driving all
increase fuel consumption.
Fuel consumption increa ses dramatically
in urba n tra ffic a nd at winter
temperatures, especially on short trip s
when the engine operating tempera ture
is not reached.
Follow the hints given above to keep
consumption to a m inimum under suc h
cond itions.